Posts filed under 'Politics'
Barack Obama has been compared to Abraham Lincoln:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt:

and John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

Let’s see how those comparisons hold up:
Abraham Lincoln saved the Union and freed the slaves.
Barack Obama is young and handsome and got elected President.
FDR guided the nation through the Great Depression (although probably prolonging it) and lead America to victory in the greatest war the world has ever seen.
Barack Obama is young and handsome and got elected President.
JFK was young and handsome and got elected President…
OK. I guess JFK and Obama are a fair comparison.
Unfortunately, viagra usa no rx JFK’s main accomplishments included the Bay of Pigs fiasco, almost blowing up the world during the Cuban Missile Crisis, letting the Soviets build the Berlin Wall, and getting us into Vietnam.
But he was young and good looking.
Tags: Barack Obama
November 18th, 2008
…a very old African-American woman leaning on a cane in a Walgeen’s checkout line.
In one hand, tadalafil treat she clutched a copy of People Magazine – the one featuring the picture of President-elect Barack Obama and his family. The expression on her face was unreadable. It wasn’t triumphant or troubled. It wasn’t thrilled or thoughtful. It was just incredibly intent – as if she were trying to memorize every detail of the moment.
I don’t know if whatever devilry the Democrats will get up to will be worth that moment in a Walgeens, discount viagra viagra but I’m glad that woman was alive to witness the coming of the first African-American President. And I’m glad that I got to see her see it.
Tags: Barack Obama
November 17th, 2008
…the National Review’s online product as lowering the tone of political speech:
Now, generic cialis viagra thanks to the coarsening effect of the Internet on political discourse, the magazine may have lost something else: its reputation as the cradle for conservative intellectuals and home for erudite and well-mannered debate prized by its founder, the late William F. Buckley Jr.
In the general conservative blogosphere and in The Corner, National Review’s popular blog, the tenor of debate — particularly as it related to the fitness of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska to be vice president — devolved into open nastiness during the campaign season, laying bare debates among conservatives that in a pre-Internet age may have been kept behind closed doors.
Excuse me for a moment while I break into gales of laughter:
Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahaha. Oh… Hahahahahahahahahahahaa. God that’s funny… Hahahahahahahahahahaha. They’re serious?! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
I guess, the New York Times never managed to see what liberals were writing about Sarah Palin at The Huffington Post, the DailyKos and even The Atlantic online.
Talk about the degeneration of political discourse.
November 17th, 2008
It’s the Left’s latest warcry.
Of course, viagra sale pharm you didn’t hear them saying this when Clinton left office.
To me, viagra canada this is just another sign of the ridiculous expectations people have of Barack Obama.
If we could just swear him in, today, the world would be saved.
Listen up, Barack Obama is not ready to be sworn in, today. Nobody would be. He needs to get his transition team into place. He needs to get up to speed on what’s really going on in Iraq, Iran, North Korea, etc. He needs to prepare.
Could the inauguration be moved up some?
Sure. First week in January, maybe?
But a few days after the new President gets elected?
That’s not just dumb, it’s dangerous.
November 16th, 2008
…is that a Conservative always assumes the person he or she is talking to is a Liberal and a Liberal always assumes the person he or she is talking to is also a Liberal.
November 14th, 2008
One of the main reasons I voted for Barack Obama in the Wisconsin primary was so I wouldn’t have to spend the next four years listening to Hillary Clinton:
Hillary Clinton emerges as US State dept candidate
November 14th, 2008
Everyone else has been putting their two cents in, viagra sale cure so here are my thoughts:
- The Republican Party and/or Conservatism is not dead. Just like the Democratic Party and Liberalism were not dead the last time the Republicans controlled both branches of government.
- The Republicans didn’t lose because of Sarah Palin. They didn’t lose because John McCain was too moderate (or not moderate enough), cialis canada they didn’t even lose because of the mainstream media’s relentless cheerleading for Barack Obama. As Bill Clinton would say, it was the economy, stupid. The day Treasury Secretary Paulson proposed a $700 billion bailout, John McCain lost the election.
- The Democrats really shouldn’t get too cocky. It took eight years under one of the least loved Presidents in history, a hugely unpopular war, and the worst economic situation since the Great Depression for a Democrat to eke out a 52% to 47% victory over a less than perfect Republican candidate. Good luck getting that kind of wind at your back again anytime soon.
But, that doesn’t mean the Republicans should relax and wait for the pendulum to swing back. There is one thing the Party really needs to do if it wants to become a real player again:
It has to stop being the party of white folks.
There is NO reason that the Republican Party can’t appeal to Hispanics and Asians. Catholic Hispanics should love the Republican’s stances against abortion and for strong families. Asian Americans believe in hard work, entrepreneurship, and strong families. The only thing keeping these two ethnic groups from joining a Republican coalition is anti-immigrant rhetoric that is often associated with the party.
That doesn’t mean the Republicans have to stop advocating for better immigration policies. But those policies have to be reframed. First of all, Republicans need to stop blaming the people who just want a better life for themselves and their kids and start blaming the businesses that encourage them to cross the border. Shift enforcement to prosecuting employers who knowingly employ illegals. But don’t call it an anti-illegal immigration measure. Frame it as a workers’ rights issues. After all, these employers are often exploiting their workers by giving them lower pay, bad benefits, and sometimes treating them as disposable people.
I also think that children who grow up in America should be eligible for financial aid and in-state tuition at colleges whether they were born here or not. To do otherwise is to punish them for the sins of their parents and deprives us of another educated member of the workforce.
Now, some of my readers will notice that I haven’t mentioned African Americans. I would LOVE to see more African Americans join the rank of the Republicans, but I honestly think it’s an almost impossible task. There’s too much history between the black community and the Democratic Party (including the historic election of America’s first African American president) for the Republican’s to ever get much traction in their community anytime soon.
My bottom line is that Conservatism is not a white person’s philosophy. Self-reliance, entrepreneurship, family values, are all things that resonate strongly with the sort of people who risk everything to come to America. Immigrants are natural Conservatives. Republicans just need to find a way to navigate between their nativist instincts and their need to be more inclusive.
OK, that may be the longest post I’ve ever written. If any of you are still reading at this point I’m grateful and more than a little bit incredulous.
I now return you to my customary two to three sentence posts. ;)
November 13th, 2008
I think the more interesting question is how can two men who claim to be Christians justify being pro-choice?
November 13th, 2008
I agree with the feminist Democrat.
Camille Paglia writes about Sarah Palin in Salon:
Given that Obama had served on a Chicago board with Ayers and approved funding of a leftist educational project sponsored by Ayers, buy viagra healing one might think that the unrepentant Ayers-Dohrn couple might be of some interest to the national media. But no, reporters have been too busy playing mini-badminton with every random spitball about Sarah Palin, who has been subjected to an atrocious and at times delusional level of defamation merely because she has the temerity to hold pro-life views.
How dare Palin not embrace abortion as the ultimate civilized ideal of modern culture? How tacky that she speaks in a vivacious regional accent indistinguishable from that of Western Canada! How risible that she graduated from the State University of Idaho and not one of those plush, pampered commodes of received opinion whose graduates, in their rush to believe the worst about her, have demonstrated that, when it comes to sifting evidence, they don’t know their asses from their elbows.
Liberal Democrats are going to wake up from their sadomasochistic, anti-Palin orgy with a very big hangover. The evil genie released during this sorry episode will not so easily go back into its bottle. A shocking level of irrational emotionalism and at times infantile rage was exposed at the heart of current Democratic ideology — contradicting Democratic core principles of compassion, tolerance and independent thought. One would have to look back to the Eisenhower 1950s for parallels to this grotesque lock-step parade of bourgeois provincialism, shallow groupthink and blind prejudice.
I like Sarah Palin, and I’ve heartily enjoyed her arrival on the national stage. As a career classroom teacher, I can see how smart she is — and quite frankly, I think the people who don’t see it are the stupid ones, wrapped in the fuzzy mummy-gauze of their own worn-out partisan dogma. So she doesn’t speak the King’s English — big whoop! There is a powerful clarity of consciousness in her eyes. She uses language with the jumps, breaks and rippling momentum of a be-bop saxophonist. I stand on what I said (as a staunch pro-choice advocate) in my last two columns — that Palin as a pro-life wife, mother and ambitious professional represents the next big shift in feminism. Pro-life women will save feminism by expanding it, particularly into the more traditional Third World.
As for the Democrats who sneered and howled that Palin was unprepared to be a vice-presidential nominee — what navel-gazing hypocrisy! What protests were raised in the party or mainstream media when John Edwards, with vastly less political experience than Palin, got John Kerry’s nod for veep four years ago? And Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, for whom I lobbied to be Obama’s pick and who was on everyone’s short list for months, has a record indistinguishable from Palin’s. Whatever knowledge deficit Palin has about the federal bureaucracy or international affairs (outside the normal purview of governors) will hopefully be remedied during the next eight years of the Obama presidencies.
The U.S. Senate as a career option? What a claustrophobic, nitpicking comedown for an energetic Alaskan — nothing but droning committees and incestuous back-scratching. No, Sarah Palin should stick to her governorship and just hit the rubber-chicken circuit, as Richard Nixon did in his long haul back from political limbo following his California gubernatorial defeat in 1962. Step by step, the mainstream media will come around, wipe its own mud out of its eyes, and see Palin for the populist phenomenon that she is.
Tags: Sarah Palin
November 12th, 2008
…but I really hope he can find time to work on his third autobiography.
Tags: Barack Obama
November 11th, 2008
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