Ok, viagra sales viagra they won the election. Joe Biden can talk to the media again.
After being all but muzzled during the general election for a series of gaffes and mistakes, the incoming vice president is speaking to the media again.
He gave his first post-election interview yesterday to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.
Bad news then
And no one can talk about dire circumstances better than he. Recall that during the campaign he came up with an interesting reason on why to vote for Barack Obama:
“We’re going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy,” the candidate said, imploring the crowd to “gird your loins.” Soon after that line, he was practically invisible on the campaign trail.
Bad news now
But it’s safe to talk again. And the circumstances are dire again. Now, though, his focus is on the economy.
His take? It’s bad. Bleak. Awful. He told the ABC host that he’s worried about the economy “absolutely tanking.”
Compare and contrast this to: “the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.”
December 20th, 2008
Sean Hackbarth wants us to encourage Congress to use Twitter.

I think that’s very appropriate, viagra sales sovaldi sale considering that they’re all a bunch of twits.
December 18th, 2008
..of this Liberal’s call to kill the filibuster, sildenafil shop if I believed for a second that he would be in favor of killing it if the Democrats were still in the minority.
December 16th, 2008
…to govern towards the center, generic cialis sovaldi sale not have a scandal-filled administration and not rock the boat.
Well, generic viagra most Presidents feel the need to do big things. Reinvent government. Start a war. End a war. Stuff like that.
But Barack Obama doesn’t have to swing for the fences.
He already has a historic Presidency.
In fact, all he can do at this point is screw it up.
His job from here on in is to not make waves. If he can get through a couple of terms without major controversy or scandals, his place in history is secure.
If, on the other hand, he screws it up it’ll be 40 years before anyone other than a white guy wins the White House again.
Tags: Barack Obama
December 13th, 2008
In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria for Sunday’s “GPS” program, sildenafil tadalafil President Bush’s former secretary of state, cheap Colin Powell, said his party’s attempt “to use polarization for political advantage” backfired last month.
It takes two sides to polarize, general.
December 12th, 2008
buy cialis pharm 9171, capsule 1864472, buy viagra 00.html”>In India, the state has an army; in Pakistan, the army has a state.
Tags: Time Magazine
December 6th, 2008
I’m betting that in a hundred years, discount viagra capsule history will view President George W. Bush a lot more kindly than the commenters on this story do or expect anyone ever could.
Tags: George W. Bush
December 5th, 2008
The auto industry is only asking for a $34 billion bailout.
It looks to me like Barack Obama could probably just loan them some of the money:
In 21-plus months, cialis generic cialis Barack Obama raised nearly $750 million, buy cialis health surpassing all of his White House opponents this year and also eclipsing the total amount of money raised by all of the presidential candidates combined in 2004.
Or maybe he could give them the phone number for the guys who ran his fundraising.

(As an aside, I find it a little premature for news agencies to be already Photoshopping President-elect Obama’s face on U.S. currency.) ;)
Tags: Barack Obama
December 5th, 2008