Posts filed under 'Personal'

I’m declaring a do-it-yourself war on Self-Serve Checkout Machines!

You’ve seen them…

…the intimidating new rows in grocery stores and Home Depots where you’re expected to do your own scanning, viagra usa there bagging, viagra no rx and paying.

Well, pilule I’m not doing it.

I don’t work for Home Depot.

THEY are supposed to be working for me.

Why should I provide them with free labor?

Why should I help them employ fewer Americans?

Why am I paying the same amount for less service?

Trust me when I say this is an ominous development.

Who does this benefit?

The corporation…not the customer.

The only conceivable argument in favor of these rascally registers is that they can be faster than the regular checkout line.

Sure. It’s faster now, because no one wants to use them.

How fast do you think it will be when 80-year-old grandmas are forced to use them?

And why the hell do they expect me to pay the same when I’m the one doing the work?

So what can you do?

Well, you can start be doing NOTHING.

Refuse to use them.


If we don’t take a stand now, we’ll soon be standing in front of steaming hot grills in our business suits when McDonald’s institutes its “Be-Your-Own-Fry-Guy” program.

9 comments April 3rd, 2006

If you’ve been wondering where the hell I’ve been…

…you’re not that far off.

I’ve been in Oblivion…the Xbox 360‘s version of hell.

See you in about six weeks. ;)

(Man, viagra sale remedy I love video games.)

1 comment March 25th, 2006

Popcorn philosophy

I think of this site as being full of popcorn philosophy.

Bite-size pieces of fluffy nothingness surrounding a kernel of truth.

Of course, cialis buy sovaldi you might want to take everything you find here with a grain of salt.

5 comments March 22nd, 2006

I am not…







Or popular.

But despite of all that, viagra sales sovaldi sale try or perhaps because of it…I am happy.

11 comments March 21st, 2006

Children and the fickleness of genetic immortality.

I think when people have a child, tadalafil seek it gives them a sense of continuity in the world.

As if a child guarantees that a part of them will survive, viagra generic pharmacy long after they are gone.

After all, a child is half you…half your spouse.

He has your eyes. Your spouses’ nose.

A child feels like the closest thing we can come to immortality.

But even so, forever is fleeting.

Your child has a child.

And now, if you’re lucky, you can see maybe a fourth of yourself in your granddaughter’s face.

Maybe there’s a bit of a twinkle in her look like the one you sometimes still see in your own mirror.

Another generation? 1/8th of them is made of 1/8th of you.

Your great, great grandchildren will contain just a string or two of what made you you…like a few strands of hair kept as a keepsake.

How long before anything that’s left of you is drowned in a sea of other people’s DNA…dispersed in an ocean of distant descendents?

Genetic immortality is an illusion. The faint feeling you have of your own family, your own blood, stretching forever into the future is a fantasy.

The best you can hope for is that the love you give your own children will echo down through the generations like the distant memory of a mother’s lullabye.

Add comment March 20th, 2006

What’s happening at the Medical College of Wisconsin has me barking mad.

Healthy dogs are being cut open so medical students can feel their hearts as they die.

The Medical College of Wisconsin invested $2.5 million in a high-tech clinical training center last year, buy cialis viagra which includes three human simulators, cialis canada but they are still buying dogs for $300 a pooch and killing them for pretty much no good reason whatsoever.

I don’t believe animals have the same “rights” as people.

But killing man’s best friend so that some medical students can watch them die?

That dog don’t hunt.

Add comment March 12th, 2006

I get the chills everytime someone talks about Milwaukee getting “cool.”

For fifteen years, viagra buy sale I’ve been blessed to be able to call Milwaukee my home.

And now, doctor whenever I hear someone talk about extending Chicago’s Metra to Milwaukee or touting Milwaukee as a tourist destination of historic value or saying how Harley is going to make Milwaukee even more “happening,” I say to myself…

…please, Lord, let Milwaukee remain a forgotten little corner of the country.

Let the fools in Minneapolis and Miami keep thinking of us as the home of Laverne & Shirly.

Let the bozos in Boston and Berkley look down their noses at our beer & brats.

Don’t let Milwaukee become the new home to twenty-something morons from New York and L.A. looking for the next cool city.

I don’t want to be surrounded by trendy twits.

I don’t want the hamburgers at Kopps to start coming covered in goat cheese.

I don’t want to battle guys with british accents for the last bar stool at At Random.

I don’t want to see Paris Hilton in a trench coat (and nothing else) sneaking around at The Safe House.

Leave me in peace to enjoy my unspoiled views of a great lake.

Let me keep the feeling that the Milwaukee Art Museum spreads its wings for me alone.

Let me enjoy the electric thrill I still get when walking into The Milwaukee Rep‘s Powerhouse theater (which started life as a real power plant).

Let Seattle and Miami and Minneapolis and San Francisco enjoy the “benefits” of being the places to be.

I pray that Milwaukee will remain one of America’s last really sincere cities.

And the best place I’ve ever been lucky enough to call home.

6 comments March 11th, 2006

A misused phrase that needs to be flushed.

The phrase is NOT “we need to flush this out.”

It’s “we need to FLESH this out.”

Flush is what you do with a toilet.

Fleshing is when you add detail to an idea.

While I agree many ideas do deserve to be “flushed, viagra generic for sale ” I think most people actually mean they want to “flesh” them out.

The comments section is now open for toliet jokes and potty humor.

2 comments March 9th, 2006

An American Journalist in London

This guy is making me miss England so much I could cry.

Originally found at Letters in Bottles

Add comment March 5th, 2006

Ireland (also known as the hubcap graveyard)

This story relates how an American tourist in Ireland was embarrassed to admit that he’d lost a hubcap while driving on the impossibly cramped roads, cialis canada malady until the rental car dealer told him that that most folks lose at least two.

Now I feel better about losing two hubcaps off my rental car in Ireland.

(Of course, I still feel bad about driving on a flat tire for 200 kilometers.)

2 comments February 28th, 2006

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