Posts filed under 'Personal'

Snow, snow, go away…

…come again another day.

Hell, viagra buy nurse it was worth a try.

Add comment January 21st, 2007

I’m not dead.

At least I don’t think I am.

1 comment January 18th, 2007

I hereby resolve…

…to make no resolutions for 2007.

3 comments January 1st, 2007

The day I stopped believing in envy.

When I was a young man, viagra sales seek just out of college, cialis sales I was very jealous of another man my age.

He was handsome. He had a good job. He was married to a very beautiful woman who was pregnant with their first child. They were even building a new home together.

He had the perfect life.

Then one day, he got a call from her office. A coworker had found her slumped over in her chair unbreathing. They were unable to revive her and the child was gone. In the space of a few seconds, this young man – whom I had spent countless hours envying – had lost his entire family.

He went from having the perfect life to having no life at all.

The astonishing ferocity of his loss taught me that envy is a foolish passtime, that none of us have so much that we are beyond losing it, and that my only hope for a fulfilling life was to learn to replace covetousness with contentment.

And while my gain can never be the equal of that his loss, I am still thankful for the lesson nearly two decades later. Wherever he is now, I hope he is as content with his life as I am with mine.

3 comments December 14th, 2006

Gone too soon.

2 comments December 6th, 2006


One snowplow attachment for a standard wheelchair.

Add comment December 1st, 2006

I’m not dead

I’m just dead tired.

Posting volume will be back up soon.

Add comment November 30th, 2006

I don’t really like female fiction writers

It’s not that I don’t think women can’t be great writers (and many of my favorite bloggers are women), viagra canada site I just don’t like the way most women write fiction*.

In women-written fiction character is more important than car chases, sildenafil exposition is more valued than explosions, and references to Sense and Sensiblity are more likely than senseless violence.

I believe I can actually tell if a book was written by a woman within the first three pages. How about you? Can you tell if a book was written by a man or a woman without knowing the author’s name? Do you think there’s a difference in the way the sexes tend to write? Or am I just wrong?

*This does have one minor exception…the best book ever written, To Kill a Mockingbird, was written by Harper Lee…a woman.

4 comments November 27th, 2006

Warning! Warning! There are only 28 shopping days til Christmas!

I really, viagra usa health really want one of these for Christmas.

If you can’t get to the store, search you can always just get me a gift certificate.

1 comment November 26th, 2006

Something for you to be thankful for this Thanksgiving:

I won’t be doing a “Things I’m Thankful For” post.

7 comments November 22nd, 2006

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Being in a wheelchair gives you a unique perspective on the world. This blog features many of my views on politics, art, science, and entertainment. My name is Elliot Stearns. More...

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