Posts filed under 'Personal'
People fleeing their homes in California made me wonder what I would take with me if I had to evacuate in mere moments.
The answer turned out to be pretty easy:
My loved ones.
My dog.
My laptop (which contains all my important papers, viagra sales help records, pictures, and music).
And the few original pieces of art I own.
Everything else could be replaced.
I actually feel pretty good that I could travel so light if I needed to.
How about you?
What would you take if the fire, or tornado, or lava, or Nazis came knocking at your door?
October 25th, 2007
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel tells the story of how my friend Michael Caughill asked his beautiful wife to marry him:
Shut up and kiss me, buy cialis patient Part II
For months before we got engaged, buy cialis medicine whenever I would say anything about our future together my girlfriend would ask, “Is that a proposal?”
On July 20, 2001, the second anniversary of our first date, my girlfriend, Melinda Ormdahl, and I were taking a scuba lesson in Lake Nagawicka.
I enlisted our diving instructor to plant a small treasure chest containing the engagement ring and a bunch of costume jewelry at the base of the dive flag.
At the end of the lesson, he sent us down to retrieve the flag’s anchor.
My girlfriend spotted the treasure chest and immediately opened it 30 feet underwater. I panicked when I realized what she was doing. I was terrified the ring would be lost in the muck at the bottom of the lake. I grabbed the chest from her hand and headed for the surface.
All the way up, she kept trying to get the chest back. When we hit the surface, I frantically searched the chest for the ring. Finally, finding it, I held it up and said to my future wife, “THIS is a proposal.”
I asked her, “Will you marry me?”
She yelled, “no” so loudly people on the beach 300 yards away looked up.
Then she smiled and said, “Of course, I will. Yes! Yes! Yes!”
And you might like to know that the diving instructor who helped me plant the ring ended up being the minister who married us a year later in Door County.
– Michael Caughill, Wauwatosa
October 23rd, 2007

October 20th, 2007

How about yours?
October 8th, 2007
… to The Alzheimer’s Association’s Memory Walk, viagra generic viagra today…
…but I forgot
October 6th, 2007
Every once and a while I feel the need to correct some wrong assumptions about me among my ever growing readership.
(What are they growing? Considering some of the comments I get, cialis canada medicine I’d say mostly pot.)
First and foremost is the perception that I’m a Conservative.
I’m not.
I consider myself a realistic libertarian. I think taxation is theft, sildenafil illness proper authority is an oxymoron, and government is intrinsically repressive.
On the other hand, I recognize that most people can’t be trusted to live by the Golden Rule unless that rule is forced upon them by the rest of us. (And make no mistake, all government is based on the threat of force.)
Whiel I grudgingly conceed the necessity for some form of government, I think it has very, very few legitimate uses. Ensuring a level playing field? Yes. Redistribution of wealth? No.
I’m fanatically in favor of both freedom of speech AND the right to keep and bear arms. In fact, I think the first can only be ensured by the second.
I think Roe vs. Wade is right up there with Dredd Scott when it comes to bad Supreme Court decisions. (But I don’t want abortion to be illegal. I just want it to be unthinkable.)
I’m an agnostic and evolutionist who thinks people should be able to believe anything they want as long as they don’t try to make me live by their beliefs.
I’m not in favor of the Iraq War, but I think the idea of “cutting and running” is naive and ultimately counterproductive.
In general, here’s a quick list of things my Conservative readers would disagree with me on:
- God
- Evolution
- Drug laws
- Conversion of farmland to McMansions (I hate it)
- Smoking bans (I love them)
- George Bush has been a lousy president
Here’s a quick list of things my Liberal readers would disagree with me on:
When all is said in done, the best description of my attitude on this blog and in my life was probably provided by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s now defunct Spivak and Bice blog, who wrote that I am a:
“blogger who often takes a contrarian view of life and politics”
And who am I to disagree?
October 1st, 2007
Carrying a concealed weapon makes you a much friendlier and open person.
September 20th, 2007
It’s the “smiley” emoticon’s birthday.
As a writer, viagra generic cialis sale I understand that I’m supposed to despise emoticons. Clearly, cialis good writing doesn’t require such blatant punctuation to communicate.
On the other hand, a well placed smiley or winky face has saved me from a real life butt kicking on innumerable occasions.
Happy birthday, little guy!
September 18th, 2007
I spent the day watching knights at the Bristol Renaissance Fair.

(Click on the photo for a larger view. I took this shot with my iPhone. I think it turned out OK, viagra buy purchase but taking action shots with an iPhone is completely a matter of luck.)
August 11th, 2007
Dean at Musings of a Thoughtful Conservative tagged me for a blog meme.
(If you don’t know what any of that means, generic viagra doctor don’t sweat it. I don’t quite get it myself.)
Basically, I’m supposed to tell you eight random things about my self:
1.) I once played the part of a shark in a high school synchronized swimming show.
2.) I was completely embarrassed in a fencing match against the Australian National Epee Champion who literally laughed at me while kicking my butt three Touches to nothing.
3.) My first pet was named after O.J. Simpson.
4.) I had to get certified as a SCUBA diver twice, because I was too lazy to send a check to get my actual certification card when I was 16.
5.) In high school football, I was penalized for roughing two different kickers in two different games in two successive weeks. (But I only really roughed one of them…and he deserved it.)
6.) My first real kiss was in a bowling alley parking lot.
7.) I took Latin for four years in high school and German for four years in college and I can still barely understand a word of either language.
8.) In general, I have a hard time reading books written by women (even though some of my favorite books were written by them).
Now, I’m supposed to tag eight other bloggers. But because I don’t think eight other bloggers even read this site, I’m just gonna skip that part. ;)
July 27th, 2007
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