Posts filed under 'Observations'

Wisconsin issues concealed gun carry permit No. 200,000

And, cialis canada malady yet, the streets aren’t flooded with a torrent of blood.

Oh well, maybe when we hit 210,000. I’m sure there’s a critical mass in their somewhere.

Wisconsin issues concealed gun carry permit No. 200,000.

Add comment October 1st, 2013

My next door neighbor races cars…

…I shoot competitively.

We’d make a hell of a team if we ever decided to rob a bank.

1 comment September 18th, 2013

They killed a man over a stolen bike?

It’s so insane, I’d laugh…if it didn’t make me want to cry.

Milwaukee Crime & Safety

via Effort to recover stolen BMX bike ends in fatal Milwaukee shooting.

Add comment September 17th, 2013

Hey, a billion here, a billion there and pretty soon you’re talking about real money

Nightly News: Government overpays nearly $1.3 billion in social security benefits.

Out of curiosity, how many companies could afford to stay in business if they were this incompetent?

I’d guess only the ones the government is willing to bail out.

1 comment September 14th, 2013

I’ve got to say, this seems like a pretty smart bet

George Zimmerman’s wife is asking in divorce papers released Friday that he pay for a permanent life insurance policy with her as the beneficiary.

via In divorce papers, Shellie Zimmerman asks judge to name her as George’s life insurance beneficiary – Crimesider – CBS News.

Add comment September 6th, 2013

Probably not the best idea…

…to publicize that you can get away from the police in Madison if you’re willing to drive 100 mph.

Add comment August 29th, 2013

iTelepath, here it comes

Researcher remotely controls colleague's body with brain.

Add comment August 27th, 2013

Politically incorrect

Do you have any idea how hard I had to look to find out that the three “boys” who killed a white Australian baseball player for the fun of it were black?

No mention of race on:



The Washington Post:

Or even the evil Fox network:

A “white hispanic” kills a black man in Florida and the press subjects us to a year of lectures about how racist white America still is.

Three black guys kill a white guy just because they are bored and feel like killing someone and there is no mention of their race on any major news outlet.

I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for Al Sharpton to show up crying for justice or news commentators on CNN demanding a national conversation about black-on-white violence.

I believe deeply in a color-blind America. Unfortunately, the media is only interested in being blind to color when the person doing wrong is a color other than white.

3 comments August 20th, 2013

Went to the range, today…

…to check on some work a retired Marine did on my 1911.

When I was done, a shooter from another lane came up to me and said, “You are one hell of a shot.”

And I thought, considering some of the people I run into, I’d better be.

3 comments August 17th, 2013

Wow. Major crash.

Sorry guys, cialis canada purchase had some technical issues.

I haven’t restored all the functionality yet, but at least the site’s not broken anymore.

Add comment August 16th, 2013

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