Posts filed under 'Observations'

In other news, water is wet

Report says Milwaukee County’s finances are ‘crumbling’ .

As much as it sickens me to say this, cialis sale levitra taxes are going to have to go up to fix this.

(Unless, help there’s something in the law that allows the County government to renege on it’s promises to the unions.)

Suddenly moving to Mequon or Waukesha is looking better and better.

6 comments January 27th, 2010

You know teachers’ unions are in trouble…

…when even a liberal like Roger Ebert is pointing out how evil they are:

Decades of research and test data indicate that the primary factor determining a school performance is not its budget, buy viagra sildenafil physical plant, viagra curriculum, student population or the income level of its district. It is teaching. The most powerful opponents to better teaching are the teachers’ unions. I am a lifelong supporter of unions. But “Waiting for Superman” makes this an inescapable conclusion. A union that protects incompetent and even dangerous teachers is an obscenity.

2 comments January 26th, 2010

Obama was right, his election did change the way the world sees us

Political experts say Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama’s greater willingness to engage Beijing and the rest of Asia reflects a broad rethinking of Japan’s role in the region at a time when the United States is showing unmistakable signs of decline.

If someone had told George W, cialis buy treatment Bush the U.S. was in decline he would have sent in the troops.

America is NOT in decline. President Obama is just doing a great job of making us look weak and feckless.

Found through Letters in Bottles

Add comment January 25th, 2010

I guess this is particularly bad news for those of us in wheelchairs

Sitting too much may be deadly.

4 comments January 24th, 2010

Somebody will use…

…the failure of Air America as a reason to try to regulate/reign in Right-Wing talk radio in 5, viagra sales viagra 4, discount cialis ask 3, viagra 2…

2 comments January 22nd, 2010

Oh please, oh please, oh please…

A local developer hopes to begin construction this year on a Marcus Corp. theater, viagra search and an adjacent office building, in downtown Milwaukee’s Park East area.

4 comments January 20th, 2010

The best part of Scott Brown’s victory speech…

“Our tax dollars should be pay for weapons to stop them (terrorists) and not lawyers to defend them.”

4 comments January 20th, 2010

It’s my friend Michael’s birthday…

…as a present, viagra buy ambulance I suggest you buy yourself a copy of his book: The Abortionist.

Trust me, it will be as big a treat for you as it will be for him.

2 comments January 19th, 2010

I barely noticed Odette Yustman in Cloverfield

…but I simply can’t take my eyes off her in Weezer’s latest video:

1 comment January 18th, 2010

Proof that something can be clever and superficial at the same time

1 comment January 14th, 2010

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Being in a wheelchair gives you a unique perspective on the world. This blog features many of my views on politics, art, science, and entertainment. My name is Elliot Stearns. More...

The Abortionist

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