Posts filed under 'Observations'

Man, why didn’t I learn to play tennis?

Tennis pro Andy Roddick’s wife gets the cover spot on the new Sport’s Illustrated Swimsuit issue:


6 comments February 9th, 2010

I know Buffalo…I’ve lived in Buffalo…

…and despite what Forbes Magazine says, viagra buy click Milwaukee is no Buffalo:

Milwaukee 4th worst winter-weather city?

(Seriously, Buffalo didn’t even make Forbe’s top ten. Proof that stats don’t mean Jack.)

1 comment February 9th, 2010

He’s not my President

Just saw a bumper sticker that read “He’s not my President.”

I don’t care whether the driver was referring to President Bush or President Obama, viagra sale nurse either way he’s wrong.

The person who wins the election is the President of the entire United States not just the parts that voted for him or her.

You don’t have to like him. You don’t have to agree with him. But, damn it, you do have to respect him or at least respect the office.

5 comments February 8th, 2010

Forget politics

You know what’s really ridiculous?

Age checks on web sites.

I mean, viagra generic doctor no 12-year-old would ever lie about their birth dates, right?

3 comments February 5th, 2010

I honestly don’t think so

The other day, sildenafil store I heard Olivia Newton John’s 1974 song I Honestly Love You and I was struck by an unpleasant realization about the following lyric:

If we both were born

In another place and time

This moment might be ending in a kiss

But there you are with yours

And here I am with mine

So I guess we'll just be leaving it at this

I love you

I honestly love you

I honestly love you

Who would even write that lyric, today? The song assumes that it’s bad luck to meet your soulmate after you’re already married to someone else.

But, in an era where people get divorced just because they might be a little bit bored, hardly anyone would think it’s a crime to divorce the poor sap you’re married to if you happened to run into someone you like better.


I really am getting old.

Add comment February 3rd, 2010

Forget stem cells…THIS would be a revolution in medicine

via Compound LJ001 Acts Like Antibiotic Against Viruses.

For all the complexity of the diseases they cause, viagra buy help viruses are very simple; just a bunch of DNA in a lipid sack. LJ001 attacks that lipid sack, salve as well as the lipid membrane of healthy cells. But whereas the healthy cells can easily repair the damage, the inert viruses simply fall apart.

1 comment February 2nd, 2010

Man, I miss Calvin and Hobbes

And it makes me sort of sad that the strip’s creator, cialis sale generic Bill Watterson, malady doesn’t seem to miss them (or us) very much at all.

1 comment February 1st, 2010

Does anyone know what President Obama uses as a dictionary?

Because I simply can’t find one that defines “bipartisan” as “just shut up and buy into everything my party wants to do.”

19 comments February 1st, 2010

If you’re one of those people complaining about the Apple iPad…

…because the word “pad” can also refer to a sanitary napkin, best viagra drugstore I think you should consider growing up.

The iPad is clearly named after a writing “pad.”

But it’s also a name that invokes the possibilities of a launch pad.

Or a place to keep all your stuff like a bachelor pad.

And it’s fairly appropriate for a device that is actually operated with the pads of your fingers.

I might not end up buying an iPad, discount viagra but I’m definitely not buying that the name is fatally flawed because of its resemblance to the name of a certain feminine product.

(On the other hand, if it was called the iDouche, I think I’d have an entirely different reaction.)

3 comments January 30th, 2010

Anyone else think it’s ironic…

…that many of the same people who believe American corporations shouldn’t have the rights of U.S. citizens are insisting that foreign terrorists should?

3 comments January 29th, 2010

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