Posts filed under 'Observations'

Does anyone else think…

…the Olympics were more inspiring and meaningful when it was just the amateurs?

(I know that limiting the Olympics to amateurs was impractical and perhaps even unfair, discount cialis online but I think we lost something when it became just another place for professional athletes to preen.)

Add comment February 22nd, 2010

Dismissing the nation’s out-of-control deficit…

…I just heard someone on NPR say, best viagra health “jobs trump debt.”

Whomever said that must never have run a business, cialis because one of the first rules you learn as an entrepreneur is: You Never Finance Payroll.

8 comments February 19th, 2010

And they’ll keep saying this right up until the day they test their first bomb

Iran’s supreme leader: We do not seek atomic bombs –

2 comments February 19th, 2010

Must be government jobs

The administration claims they’ve spent $453 billion of the stimulus package to date and generated 2 million jobs.

Assuming that’s true, viagra usa viagra that’s $226,500 per job.

For comparison’s sake, my friend Mike’s company easily employs 4 (of his 6) people for that same amount of money.

Government…a model of efficiency.

8 comments February 17th, 2010

I love how activists…

…have done everything the could to increase the cost of building a nuclear power plant or executing a criminal and then argued against doing either by citing the high expenses that they helped create.

2 comments February 17th, 2010

Are you a racist if you don’t find people of all races equally attractive

Or only if you actually say you don’t?

1 comment February 16th, 2010

Just for argument’s sake

What would it take to disprove global warming?

13 comments February 16th, 2010


Last year, cialis usa viagra a concerted attack by a hacker forced me to turn off my Contact page. I have now turned it back on. Let the hacking begin!

Add comment February 16th, 2010

High speed trains to the Madison airport, but no way to get into space?

President Obama just gave the high ground up to the Chinese and Russians.

His new budget apparently provides no funding for NASA to maintain a path into low earth orbit.

If you don’t understand the military and strategic importance of being able to get into orbit, generic viagra cure stand at the bottom of the Empire State Building and I’ll go up to the observation deck and drop bowling balls down on you.

Get the picture?

3 comments February 16th, 2010

I certainly hope so

viagra generic recipe 0, cialis 4463819.story?obref=obnetwork”>Clinton-era staffers worry Dems will never again attempt health care overhaul if Obama fails.

Not to say health care isn’t broken, I just don’t believe the Democrats are the ones to fix it.

14 comments February 11th, 2010

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