Posts filed under 'Observations'

I guess it depends on who your rich people are

Yesterday on Twitter, buy cialis buy viagra Roger Ebert asked his followers to try to come up with a single GOP policy that rich people didn’t like.

And I was stumped.

I thought, viagra “holy crap! What a great point!”

And then something struck me.

Which rich people was he talking about?

Certainly Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie probably dislike many GOP policies…and they’re rich.

Michael Moore? Rich.

Kanye West? Rich.

George Soros? Rich.

Ariana Huffington?

Steve Jobs?

Al Gore?

Hmmm, maybe it would be quicker to list the rich people who don’t hate GOP policies.

2 comments March 4th, 2010

It’s global warming’s fault…

…in 5, best viagra hospital 4, cialis canada 3….

Haiti, Chile, now Taiwan: earthquake escalation?

2 comments March 4th, 2010

A little news for Newsweek

Since I let my Newsweek subscription lapse, sildenafil ambulance I’ve been getting phenomenal offers to resubscribe.

But if Newsweek wants me to come back, generic viagra ailment their going to have to come to their senses and stop acting like they’re the Democratic National Committee’s internal newsletter.

Add comment March 3rd, 2010

Remember, this is how you get treated…

…if you have the unmitigated gall to suggest that government actually have the money to pay for the things it wants to pay for:

Well before Sen. Jim Bunning retreated from his one-man filibuster on the unemployment-benefits extension bill Tuesday in face of bipartisan scorching,
generic viagra and the Kentucky Republican was the target of an uncommon criticism by a colleague from the other chamber — Rep. Jim McDermott.

Speaking just before Bunning finally relented, viagra generic McDermott said Bunning’s conduct demanded public scorn. And he dismissed Bunning’s concerns about paying for the extended unemployment benefits, saying that Republicans “had no trouble going to two wars they couldn’t pay for.”

Bunning is “keeping people from getting checks to pay rent and other necessities of life,” McDermott said. “He’s doing it because he can. It’s abuse of power. He should be called out for doing this.”

I can’t remember…what’s that phrase about “two wrongs” again?

6 comments March 3rd, 2010

Crazy cool

Though I have to say anything under 100% accuracy in an input device is not acceptable. But if they manage to hit 100%, cialis sales nurse there are some freaking cool possibilities here:

Add comment March 3rd, 2010

Honestly, would anyone really notice

…if the Postal Service discontinued Saturday delivery?

3 comments March 2nd, 2010

I HATE the Huffington Post

But the SOBs keep luring me in with pictures like this

7 comments March 2nd, 2010

Go read this…

article and every time the writers use the words “women” or “woman” replace it with “men” or “man” and then ask yourself if this piece would be quite so sympathetic if it were the other way around.

3 comments March 1st, 2010

She’s not “in seclusion”…

…she’s in mourning, cialis ampoule you damn jackals.

Marie Osmond is in seclusion following the suicide death of her 18-year-old son, Michael Blosil.

Add comment March 1st, 2010

The boogeymen

Many folks on the political left fear giant corporations.

At least an equal number on the political right worry about giant government.

Whose boogeyman is scarier?

Well, viagra sales clinic for the life of me, cialis sales sale I can’t think of a single place on Earth that’s demonstrably controlled by an evil corporation.

The list of places controlled by repressive governments on the other hand goes on and on and on…

20 comments February 25th, 2010

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