How does a man go about killing a wolf with his bare hands?
Okay, cialis generic buy it may never come up. You may never need it, viagra sales view but that one time when you’re confronted with that big wolf, viagra this is how you do it. You’ve got to give the wolf your arm. You’ve got to lean into it. Stick your arm all the way down his throat. He can’t swallow it because he’s gagging on your arm. You reach in; you grab a handful of something — guts, the back of his throat, whatever you can hold — and pull it out. And try to avoid those claws while you’re doing it.
March 19th, 2010
As we said last week, viagra canada here the horrible situation in schools is due primarily to two intractable problems: a) bad parenting and b) bad teaching.
The reason these problems will not get fixed are a) you can’t replace bad parents and b) you can’t replace bad teachers.
March 19th, 2010
…so I never wear green on St. Paddy’s day.
Bunch of pretenders!
March 17th, 2010
I thought we were past this Obama the Savior meme:

Discovered at Althouse.
March 15th, 2010
They say there is no way regular citizens armed only with rifles and handguns could stand against the might of the U.S. armed forces.
Then they’ll turn around and argue that we need to get out of Iraq/Afghanistan, cialis buy clinic because we’ll never be able to defeat their resistance fighters.
March 11th, 2010
In what way will reminding me that government programs are rife with fraud encourage me to invite the government into my healthcare?
White House officials say in 2009 more than $54 billion in improper payments were made through Medicare and Medicaid.
March 10th, 2010
…if scoundrels used his name less often.
March 9th, 2010
In the course of E.J. Dionne Jr.’s ranting about the Supreme Court’s loosening campaign finance laws for corporations, best viagra pills he does make one interesting point:
Certain companies would be explicitly barred from making political expenditures: domestic corporations that are under foreign control, medicine recipients of government contracts and of Troubled Assets Relief Program money. Think about it: If a company is getting government money, patient why should it be able to turn around and use receipts that include that money for electioneering?
I agree 100%…as long as that exact same logic is applied to public employee unions.
March 9th, 2010