Posts filed under 'Observations'
I just watched the leaked video of the killing of two journalists and a number of other Iraqis by U.S. attack helicopters in Iraq in 2007.
The publisher of the leaked video, cialis decease WikiLeaks, sovaldi sale obviously believes the video is evidence of intentional homicide. (The web site they built to display the video is named Collateral Murder.) But from the video the attack was clearly a misunderstanding.
The audio indicates the helicopter pilots thought the men were armed (they mistook a camera for a weapon and one of the other men does seem to have an AK-47). Ground troops in the area had just been fired upon.
The attack was horribly tragic, ailment but it was obviously a case of mistaken identity not murder.
WikiLeaks slows the gun camera footage down and zooms in to reveal that the pilots were mistaken about the camera being an RPG, but the pilots were in combat not a computer lab.They didn’t have the luxury of playing the video back and enhancing it. They were making decisions literally on the fly.
This shooting was a horrible event and my heart feels for the victims and their families.
But, if anything, this footage actually supports the military’s version of events. The pilots clearly thought they were firing on armed insurgents who had just attacked their ground troops. They tried to ascertain the threat. They asked for permission to fire. They didn’t purposefully murder unarmed civilians, which seems to be the conclusion WikiLeaks wants us to reach.
April 6th, 2010
I don’t have a strong conviction about global warming one way or the other.
I recognize the greenhouse effect is real and that we’ve been adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
However, cialis buy view the amount we’ve added is very small in terms of parts per million and most of the global warming conclusions come from computer modeling which may as well be the Oracle of Delphi when it comes to predicting something as insanely complex as a planetary climate.
But stuff like this makes me very skeptical: in response to a major increase in the amount of sea ice covering the Arctic, sick Vicky Pope, a scientist with the Met Office, said:
“The reality is that greenhouse gases are making the world warmer, but it is a mistake to see short-term changes in weather, currents or Arctic ice cover as evidence of this.”
It bothers me when evidence goes only one way.
The glaciers are receeding, the sea ice is disappearing, the hurricanes are getting more frequent and severe! Global Warming is armageddon!
Oh, wait, the glaciers aren’t disappearing, the sea ice is recovering, hurricane season was actually less severe…ignore all that… it’s STILL armageddon.
Ummm, OK.
Found through The Troglopundit
April 6th, 2010
And I’m sticking with my original concerns when I first heard about the new device: it’s too big and too heavy.
Make one the size of a trade paperback and as light as a hardcover and I’ll buy it tomorrow.
April 5th, 2010
Try not to eat so much candy you get a stomach ache.
April 4th, 2010
Poll: More blame Obama for poor economy, cialis buy prescription unemployment
American Presidents get way too much blame for bad economic conditions.
On the other hand, unhealthy they also take way too much credit for good ones.
March 31st, 2010
Somebody screwed up when they wrote the new health bill and failed to get currently uninsured kids with pre-existing conditions properly covered the way they were supposed to be.
This is bad and needs to be fixed.
On the other hand, viagra generic treat Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is ordering insurance companies to comply with the original intent of the law despite what the law actually says.
She doesn’t get to make that decision.
She’s a fucking bureaucrat not an aristocrat.
The rest of us aren’t serfs who need to do her bidding.
Her word is NOT law.
The law is the law and if the administration doesn’t like the law, generic viagra buy viagra fucking fix it.
I very rarely swear on this blog and I apologize if I’ve offended anyone, but some situations require strong language and this sort of arrogant, high-handed, and possibly illegal behavior from a public servant falls into that category. At least, it does for me.
March 31st, 2010
9 Tied to Militia Charged in Plot to Murder Officers
I feel like shouting the same thing Mr. Incredible yells at Buddy:
You’re not affiliated with me!
March 29th, 2010
Yet, viagra sales unhealthy I’ve never heard them describe the pro-immigration marches and rallies as being filled with hispanics.

(For the record, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with hispanics, I’m just pointing out the double standard.)
March 29th, 2010
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