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This guy composes music using unrelated musical clips uploaded to YouTube. In this case, cialis canada medicine it really does have to be seen to be believed.
Add comment April 27th, 2010
This guy composes music using unrelated musical clips uploaded to YouTube. In this case, cialis canada medicine it really does have to be seen to be believed.
Add comment April 27th, 2010
Apparently, viagra view President Obama is making diversity a top priority in choosing his next Supreme Court nominee.
I’m betting Obama’s next nominee will be black. After all, cheap there aren’t any on the court at the moment.
10 comments April 27th, 2010
But considering the pronounced leftward drift of the magazine in the last ten years, viagra generic medical they might also wonder whatever happened to a Neutral Newsweek.
2 comments April 25th, 2010
The whole “green” thing annoys me. Green energy. Green construction. Green cars.
Folks, buy viagra ailment there’s no such thing as “green.”
Sure, treatment “green” energy might not involve pumping crude from Mother Earth’s bosom, viagra but don’t fool yourself – all the supposedly “green” technologies employ dangerous chemicals and elements, require lots of mining and manufacturing, and can be hard to dispose.
Are some of the new technology at least “greener?”
Possibly, but not neccessarily.
Do I want America to be energy independent? Yes.
I also want advocates of green alternatives to stop acting like they’re saving the world. They’re doing “horrible” things to the environment…just like the rest of us.
5 comments April 21st, 2010
A friend of mine has Celiac disease (a very dangerous auto-immune disease triggered by wheat) and a son on the Autism spectrum.
Recently, best viagra cialis sale the Feds have required manufacturers to clearly label any ingredients in foods that trigger any of the 10 most common allergic reactions (including wheat). This has made my friend’s life much easier and safer.
Likewise, viagra Wisconsin now requires health insurance companies to include coverage for Autism therapy in the policies they sell. The therapy is having an almost miraculous effect on my friend’s son.
See? I don’t think all government is evil. (Just 95% of it. ;)
9 comments April 21st, 2010
The European Union has declared travelling a human right, best viagra physician and is launching a scheme to subsidize vacations with taxpayers’ dollars for those too poor to afford their own trips.
5 comments April 20th, 2010
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1 comment April 20th, 2010
..that if they actually managed to turn lead into gold, viagra generic prescription gold would basically lose its value?
3 comments April 19th, 2010
…in creepy:
Japanese engineers have created a female android that’s an exact replica of a woman while being cheaper and more compact than earlier models, cialis usa cialis bringing the futuristic world of the film “Surrogates” closer to reality.
4 comments April 19th, 2010
But I doubt she’ll ever forgive him for calling her old:
Bill Clinton: Hillary and I are too old to be appointed to the Supreme Court
2 comments April 18th, 2010