Some liberals got very upset when the Supreme Court decided…
…that a corporation is a person.
But they didn’t seem all that bothered when the Court determined that a fetus wasn’t.
17 comments May 7th, 2010
…that a corporation is a person.
But they didn’t seem all that bothered when the Court determined that a fetus wasn’t.
17 comments May 7th, 2010
A friend and I were talking about how much better are lives are because of Steve Jobs and we decided maybe we should give him a shot at running the country for a couple of years.
He certainly couldn’t do any worse than the people who have been doing it.
1 comment May 6th, 2010
Students kicked off campus for wearing American flag t-shirts on Cinco de Mayo.
2 comments May 6th, 2010
…will make absolutely no difference to the amount of calories people consume, tadalafil drugstore and, yet, government is going to make restaurants do it anyway.
Absolutely typical.
Add comment May 5th, 2010
…and yet, buy viagra ed we’re still watching It’s A Wonderful Life, The Wizard of Oz and other Iconic Films of the Thirties and Forties.
3 comments May 4th, 2010
And I told him that even the most devote left-wing listeners could only stand to listen to so much talk about how they’re…
• causing global warming
• poisoning children with pesticides
• allowing people to die in Darfur
• not paying for everyone else’s health insurance
• using products tested on defenseless animals
• not paying enough in taxes
• discriminating against someone somewhere
• etc…etc…
…before they just had to turn off the radio.
3 comments May 3rd, 2010
Obese kids more apt to be bullied, viagra sale mind study confirms | Reuters.
2 comments May 3rd, 2010
Some Hispanic Americans hope law deters illegal immigration –
Add comment April 30th, 2010
I really dislike the word reform.
Whether it’s healthcare or immigration, best viagra cialis EVERYONE is for reform.
The problem is when many immigration advocates say reform, cialis canada look they mean amnesty for everyone in the country illegally.
When people in Arizona say reform, here they mean kick ’em all out.
Same word, but a vast gulf in meaning.
I think we all need to acknowledge that reform means so many different things to so many different people it has become functionally meaningless.
So let’s drop “reform” and actually start stating the real positions that people are advocating. It’s more honest and more likely to reach a satisfactory outcome.
1 comment April 30th, 2010
In response to Arizona’s tough new illegal immigranion law, viagra canada advice San Francisco Supervisor David Campos says:
“We as San Franciscans need to send a very clear message that this kind of discriminatory law is not going to be tolerated.”
Uhh, viagra buy tadalafil all laws are discriminatory. Some discriminate against people going five miles an hour over an arbitrary speed limit, no rx some discriminate against people who want to smoke in restaurants, some discriminate against people who are in the country without a visa or green card.
You might not agree that illegal immigration is worth discriminating about, but to imply that discriminating against the act is the same as discriminating against the race is inaccurate and inflammatory.
19 comments April 28th, 2010