Posts filed under 'Observations'

Embryonic stem cells back in the news…

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said Monday he fully supports embryonic stem cell research and criticized his Republican opponents in the race for governor for their opposition to the potentially life-saving research.

Embryonic stem cell research may be potentially life-saving, viagra buy viagra but it’s definitely life-ending for the donor fetus.

1 comment June 21st, 2010

The Feds can’t be bothered to try to stop illegal immigration…

…but they’ll happily sue anyone who does: Administration Plans Suit to Block Arizona Immigrant Law.

11 comments June 18th, 2010

Silly head of BP…

He apparently viagra buy treat 0, viagra sale 1869534.story”>thinks the U.S. Congress actually believes in the whole “innocent until proven guilty” thang.

But, search in a long day of tough bipartisan questioning, Hayward did little to quell the ire of lawmakers, and he infuriated several by declining to respond to a congressional committee’s findings that BP took shortcuts to save time and money on a well that was behind schedule. He repeatedly said BP would not accept or assign blame for the April 20 well blowout until the investigations were complete.

7 comments June 17th, 2010

Master criminal? Probably not:

Henderson was in the back seat of a Toyota being driven by Graves on the Gulf Freeway when an argument began, viagra buy cialis police said at the time of the incident.

Henderson, viagra canada viagra seeking to establish an unrebuttable debating point, shot Graves twice in the head with a .38 revolver and shot the front-seat passenger, Amethyst Dianne Norwood, once.

Problem: As noted, the speeding car’s driver was now incapacitated. The vehicle crashed into a Texas Department of Safety camera pole in La Marque.

Add comment June 14th, 2010

I can’t believe I never realized that Barack Obama’s initials…

…are B.O.

4 comments June 11th, 2010

If military virtual reality becomes real reality…

Our kids will be ready.

After all, viagra canada viagra the video games they’re playing already look almost exactly like this:

Add comment June 11th, 2010

Buzz off, Disney

Quit prostituting the Toy Story characters for every cereal, discount cialis diagnosis fast food, salve car, sovaldi and toy company that comes along. Not to mention the freaking U.S. Postal Service.

Greedy bastards.

5 comments June 10th, 2010

Jesus as fetus?

Some British churches are using this brilliant image in an billboard campaign.

Oddly enough, viagra generic pharmacy it’s NOT a pro-life ad.

2 comments June 10th, 2010

The NY Times is probably the last people who should be giving Newsweek advice

None of the advice in this NY Times article about how Newsweek can save itself is going to work – at least, viagra sales ed not as long as Newsweek keeps drifting to the political left.

For years, see I considered Newsweek the most centrist of the the newsweeklies. But starting with the George W. Bush’s first term, Newsweek got progressively more progressive. Now, it’s so nakedly liberal that I don’t ever need to read it. I can predict their stories before they even write them: a puff piece on President Obama, a couple stories on racist tea partiers, and a pro-gun control story.

After being a regular subscriber for nearly 20 years, I’ve let my subscription lapse and, at this point, I wouldn’t even renew if they offered to send it to me for free.

Add comment June 7th, 2010

A one-word refutation to everyone who thinks America should be more like Europe:


7 comments June 6th, 2010

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