There’s only one religious war I’m interested in joining…
…Apple versus everyone else.
1 comment July 17th, 2010
…Apple versus everyone else.
1 comment July 17th, 2010
…and an earthquake hits Washington, viagra canada prostate D.C.
Do you think God said to himself, treat “darn it, I missed!”?
6 comments July 16th, 2010
…I’ve ofter wondered how much better off the rest of America would be if there were no New York City.
The article at the link doesn’t have much to do with my post, buy viagra malady it just made me ask, viagra once again, what we need the N.Y. Times, Wall Street, and Madison, Ave. for, anyway?
3 comments July 14th, 2010
Consumer Reports magazine said Monday it can’t recommend the iPhone 4 to shoppers because of persistent reception issues caused by touching the Apple Inc. phone.
The products-review magazine, viagra sale capsule on its website, viagra generic prostate also questioned Apple’s explanation for the glitch, saying it tested other smartphones in its labs, including the older iPhone 3GS, and “none of those phones had the signal-loss problems of the iPhone 4.”
“Our findings call into question the recent claim by Apple that the iPhone 4’s signal-strength issues were largely an optical illusion caused by faulty software that ‘mistakenly displays 2 more bars than it should for a given signal strength.’ Consumer Reports said.
Apple wasn’t immediately available to comment.
I have to say, I absolutely love mine. But I’m not a lefty and I’ve been using a bumper since I bought it.
3 comments July 12th, 2010
This post at Progressive Nation alledges that Conservatives don’t respect the U.S. Constitution because they’ve talked about adding some new amendments and/or repealing others.
But who respects the Constitution more:
Those who want to change it using the amendment process mandated by the Constitution itself?
Or those who want to change it by having the courts simply ignore some amendments (like the 2nd and the 10th) and invent others (penumbra anyone?)?
7 comments July 12th, 2010
Roman Polanski free, viagra generic medical Swiss reject US extradition request.
Add comment July 12th, 2010
OK, viagra usa viagra so deporting them is impractical.
But why do we need “comprehensive” immigration reform (which is code for amnesty, check by the way)?
Why do we need to do anything to them?
Crack down on hiring and eventually they’ll go home on their own.
20 comments July 11th, 2010
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel thinks we should appoint our state’s Supreme Court judges:
Appointing Supreme Court justices rather than electing them can more effectively distance these candidates from the corrupting influences of politicking, generic cialis pharmacy raising money and appearing to all the world as just another layer of partisan politicians, except with black robes.
Hell, no.
Exhibit #1: Louis Butler. He was appointed and the first chance we had, we voted his butt off the court. If Wisconsinites feel that Justice Gableman is a scumbag, we can vote his butt out, too.
Personally, I’d like to see us elect our U.S. Supreme Court justice, as well. Right now, they lie their rear ends off in confirmation hearings and then thumb their noses at us after they get their lifetime appointment. I’m sure people on the right AND left would love the opportunity to cast a vote for or against certain justices.
And I’m sick of hearing how electing justices politicize the court.
The courts ARE and always will be political institutions.
Anyone who says otherwise is naive…or lying.
2 comments July 7th, 2010
…and you’re arguing with them, sildenafil for sale you’ve already lost.
2 comments July 7th, 2010