Posts filed under 'Observations'

Proponents say the Ground Zero Mosque is meant to start healing 9/11

But since when does healing begin with rubbing salt in the wound?

Add comment August 4th, 2010

There seems to be some outrage…

…over the Tea Party Nation asking its members to report any stories of crimes by illegal immigrants.

I guess the people complaining feel like its biased to look for unsympathetic stories about illegal immigrants.

Of course, generic viagra and I hear very little outrage over NPR’s almost daily sympathetic stories about poor persecuted illegal immigrants fleeing Arizona, sildenafil or living in fear, or having difficulties with college, or bravely protesting, etc…etc…etc…

Add comment August 4th, 2010

$8.7 billion missing in action in Iraq?

This is infuriating.

But I wonder how many of the people who will complain about this are the same ones who think big government should be managing our health care and our banking system and our etc., viagra store etc, generic . etc….

2 comments August 2nd, 2010

Which side is pro-choice, again?

Pro-choice Liberals Conservatives
Abortion X
Same Sex Marriage X
To Keep and Bear Arms X
Buy health insurance X
Wear motorcycle helmet X
Eat fat X
Smoke in public X
Buy incandescent bulbs* X
Name your sports team X
Size of your showerhead X

These are just off the top of my head. I plan to repost this chart in the future. Let me know if you think any of the line items are unfair or if you think some should be added on either side.

*Yes, sildenafil rx I know George W. Bush signed the ban, but I don’t know a single conservative who is in favor of this

11 comments July 29th, 2010

Wait! British nationalized health care isn’t perfect?!!!

Britain Plans to Decentralize National Health Care –

Add comment July 24th, 2010

And one thing the social media gurus didn’t learn

This article on the Old Spice guy’s twitter/youtube campaign is called 8 Social Media Treasures We Learned from Old Spice.

But they failed to learn the most important lesson. Without the original Super Bowl television spot that introduced the Old Spice guy and captivated the nation, best cialis healing hardly anyone would have cared enough to pay attention and participate in the social media campaign.

Don’t get me wrong. It was a perfect use of youtube and twitter. But it was only made possible (or at least a hell of a lot easier) by an old fashioned TV spot preparing the way.

Add comment July 24th, 2010

The U.S. Constitution is six pages long

…(including the BIll of Rights) and it successfully defined our entire system of government for more than 250 years.

Tell me again why Congress seems incapable of passing a new law that’s less than 2, generic viagra for sale 000 pages?

4 comments July 21st, 2010


My friend the ad agency guy needs some input.

Which video would make best holiday commercial? Which is the funniest?

1) At the point when the elf starts dancing

2.) Don’t ask me why he’s doing this

3.) Right around when the guy adds the bow

6 comments July 19th, 2010

I wonder if Chuck Norris’s kids ever had to say…

…I bet my dad can beat up your dad!

2 comments July 19th, 2010

I’d be a lot more positive about politicians…

…if more of them looked like this:

5 comments July 18th, 2010

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