Posts filed under 'Observations'

If you ever played Time Crisis…

…you’re gonna want to watch this video:

2 comments August 12th, 2010

In another 65 years the numbers will be reversed…

…a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 59% of American Adults believe the decision to drop the nuclear bombs on the two cities was a good one.

Just 16% say the A-bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a bad decision.

…and the ignorant will call it progress.

Add comment August 11th, 2010

A world only Marie Antoinette (and Federal employees) could love

Federal workers earn double their private counterparts

7 comments August 11th, 2010

He’s really smart for a cave dweller

The TrogloPundit says:

There are haves and have-nots in socialist societies, best cialis prostate too. Socialist societies simply use different means – political connections, viagra buy online instead of hard work – to decide who the “haves” are.

9 comments August 10th, 2010

So instead of “separate, but equal”…

…we got “not separate, cialis sale no rx and unequal?”

t seems horribly unfair and contrary to all the good intentions of school desegregation: black kids who do well in class get accused of “acting white.” Stuart Buck explores the roots of this contentious phrase in “Acting White: The Ironic Legacy of Desegregation, mind ” recently released by Yale University Press. Buck, pharmacy an honors graduate of Harvard Law School and a Ph.D. student in education policy at the University of Arkansas, explains that despite its noble impulses desegregation often destroyed black schools and placed black kids in an uncomfortable, white environment. The result: if you excelled, you were acting white.

6 comments August 10th, 2010

A black man kills 8 white people

And the newspaper runs a large article on how he was the victim of racism?

8 comments August 9th, 2010

The daughter of a Muslim victim of 9/11:

To the supporters of this new Islamic cultural center, discount cialis and I must ask: Build your ideological monument somewhere else, far from my mother’s grave, and let her rest.

23 comments August 8th, 2010

The New Yorker took 12 pages

…to say the Senate is broken…and it’s the Republican’s fault.

To that, viagra buy pharm I’d just like to add I’d like it if the Senate were even MORE broken.

1 comment August 7th, 2010

Apparently this jackass…

…doesn’t know the difference between a bank vault stuffed with cash and one filled with IOUs:

viagra generic treatment 0, decease 1359956.column?track=rss”>Social Security: The myth of the Social Security systems financial shortfall –

Add comment August 7th, 2010

The contempt of the governed

The Federal government is suing to stop an anti-illegal immigration law in Arizona. The majority of Americans are in favor of Arizona’s law.

A Federal judge is declaring gay marriage a Constitutional right. The majority of Americans are against gay marriage.

The politicians in New York city are supporting the building of a mosque two-blocks away from the ruins of the World Trade Center. The majority of New Yorkers think it’s a bad idea.

The Federal government is making every American buy health insurance. The majority of Americans want the law repealed.

How long can any government show open contempt for the wishes of the majority of its citizens before those citizens remember that:

“Governments are instituted among Men, cialis sales sovaldi deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, viagra — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government“?

For the record, I’m not against gay marriage. Neither do I advocate the violent overthrow of any Federal, State, or City government.

6 comments August 5th, 2010

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