Go watch this incredibly sexy…
…video: Robert Palmer – Simply Irresistible.
And then realize it was made 22 years ago and Robert Palmer is gone and these siren-like women are likely in their late 40s and early 50s.
4 comments November 6th, 2010
…video: Robert Palmer – Simply Irresistible.
And then realize it was made 22 years ago and Robert Palmer is gone and these siren-like women are likely in their late 40s and early 50s.
4 comments November 6th, 2010
…the electorate was informed, cialis medical inspired, sildenafil and passionate.
But when Republicans win the voters were ignorant, gullible, and fearful.
It’s a stale narrative and untrue. Just ask Democratic Senator Evan Bayh:
…don’t blame the voters. They aren’t stupid or addled by fear. They are skeptical about government efficacy, worried about the deficit and angry that Democrats placed other priorities above their main concern: economic growth.
11 comments November 4th, 2010
I cringe whenever a politician says something along the lines of “we’re going to take our country back” or “we just took our country back.”
America does not belong to the Right or Left. Having temporary custodianship of a public office does not mean your side is more legitimate or deserving. Go ahead, viagra generic fight over the direction of the country. Argue about which approaches are more likely to solve our common problems. Wrestle over the ways and means. But quit claiming that you’re taking the country back.
It never belonged to you in the first place.
At least, no more so than it belonged to everyone else.
2 comments November 3rd, 2010
I’ve been hearing a lot lately from the media and the President that it’s irrational to base your vote on an emotion like anger.
I’m sure “hope, cialis generic click ” on the other hand, is still a perfectly rational emotion to base your vote on.
12 comments November 2nd, 2010
…Goodreads. I like the idea of it, sildenafil cialis sale but I have more than 4, sildenafil 000 books and I’ve read more than 10,000.
Spending a year cataloging books in a virtually library seems a waste when I could use that time to read another 1,000 or so.
1 comment October 30th, 2010
I’d be very interested in the new NOOK color from Barnes & Noble.
But how many devices do you really need? My ebooks are already spread across the Kindle app on my iPhone4 and iBooks. I don’t really need a third silo.
3 comments October 27th, 2010
Because the Storm Troopers and Treckers weren’t embarrassing enough:
Unreality – A Gallery of Good and Bad Avatar Na’vi Costumes |.
7 comments October 26th, 2010
I listen to NPR.
I donate to NPR.
But when my fellow listeners try to claim that NPR doesn’t have a liberal bias, viagra buy sickness I feel compelled to point out there’s a reason most NPR stations are on the left end of the radio dial.
10 comments October 25th, 2010