Posts filed under 'Observations'

Masturbating in front of a camera…

…doesn’t seem like that good an idea to me:

Kinect sex – what’s the holdup?.

Add comment November 30th, 2010

Leak this

Maybe the next confidential government document Wikileaks founder Julian Assange should see is a CIA termination order with his name on it.

14 comments November 29th, 2010

Do the words “act of war” actually mean anything anymore?

North Korea had planned to fire more shells than the roughly 170 rounds that fell on Yeonpyeong Island and the waters around it, cialis generic pharm but a counterattack by South Korea damaged their equipment, South Korean military officials said yesterday.


5 comments November 24th, 2010

OK, enough of this shit

The Transportation Security Administration has opened an investigation targeting John Tyner, cialis usa healing the Oceanside man who left Lindbergh Field under duress on Saturday morning after refusing to undertake a full body scan.

Rather than submit to invasive procedures he opted not to fly. And now the government is pursuing him as a lesson to the rest of us.

This is government out of control. I’d call my Senator, cialis sales but Feingold is a lame duck, Johnson isn’t there, yet. And I’m not sure Kohl even knows what an airplane is.

25 comments November 16th, 2010

NPR doesn’t have an agenda

I’m sure the story on I’m listening to on how wonderful high-speed trains are in China is just a coincidence.

5 comments November 16th, 2010

I just eliminated the budge deficit in 30 seconds

Budget Puzzle: You Fix the Budget – Interactive Feature –

Found at Letters in Bottles

3 comments November 15th, 2010

Crap like this is why charges of “racism” are losing traction

Newsweek writer Allison Samuels basically accuses us all of being racists because NBC canceled Undercovers (a show about two black super-spies).

I tried to watch Undercovers and I’m here to tell you it wasn’t racism that got that show cancelled, viagra usa order it was suckism.

5 comments November 12th, 2010

Real talent needs few tools

Add comment November 10th, 2010

I agree with something in Newsweek?

Why High-Speed Trains Don’t Make Sense – Newsweek.

Add comment November 8th, 2010

I’m in Florida

Chasin’ bad guys.

Don’t worry, cialis usa check I’ll try to pop in and annoy you while I’m on the move.

Add comment November 8th, 2010

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