Posts filed under 'Observations'

Just saw the new True Grit…

And if John Wayne deserved an Oscar for his role in the first one, tadalafil salve Hailee Steinfeld deserves two for her stunning debut.

Also, generic viagra any movie that has a website that plays Johnny Cash is alright with me.

Add comment January 2nd, 2011

Finally, we’re number 1-1-11

January 1, cialis sale decease 2011. Enjoy it now, cause 2-2-22 is a long way away.

2 comments January 1st, 2011

Looks like I’ve got the CSS for the site fixed

Let me know if you see any funkiness.

And, buy viagra malady no, this doesn’t count as my second post of the day.

Add comment January 1st, 2011

Unhappy New Year!

A few years ago I committed to posting at least once a day for a year.

This year, tadalafil viagra I’m renewing that pledge, but with a twist: two posts a day!

And now you see why it’s going to be a very unhappy new year for all of you.


6 comments January 1st, 2011

Yes, I know my template is screwed up

Odd, viagra usa try since normally it’s just the opinions expressed here that are screwed up!

2 comments December 23rd, 2010

The day Niagara dried

I remember standing here when I was around five-years-old.


That’s a long time to remember something, tadalafil for sale but you don’t forget standing on the billiard-table flat bed of a dried-up Niagara Falls.

Add comment December 23rd, 2010

I refinanced my home

And I noticed that 1/3 of my monthly payment is going to my real estate taxes.


Add comment December 21st, 2010

Those would be Democrats

Most Americans Don’t Understand Bill of Rights:

Perhaps most shocking is the finding that 42 percent of American adults incorrectly chose one of America’s founding documents as the source of Karl Marx’s exposition of Communism, sildenafil remedy “from each according to his ability, viagra usa to each according to his needs.” Of these incorrect answers, the most commonly chosen was the Bill of Rights.

6 comments December 16th, 2010

Damn it, billionaires aren’t supposed to donate their money to charity

Like Mark Zuckerberg plans to do.

It’s supposed to be confiscated through punitive taxation and redistributed by the all-knowing hand of government.

3 comments December 9th, 2010

Every time a politician says something that sounds reasonable

I hear this scene in my head:

1 comment November 30th, 2010

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Being in a wheelchair gives you a unique perspective on the world. This blog features many of my views on politics, art, science, and entertainment. My name is Elliot Stearns. More...

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