Posts filed under 'Observations'

Today’s snow fall in Milwaukee was pretty impressive

Of course, cialis healing I grew up near Buffalo, N.Y., where any accumulation of less than three feet is referred to as “a dusting.”

2 comments February 2nd, 2011

I love music videos

I do. Of course, viagra medical it’s easier to love them when they start with Avril Lavigne in her underwear:

8 comments February 1st, 2011

I have a recurring fantasy

Where Arnold Schwarzenneger decides to run for President and answers all objections about him being a foreigner by pointing out we already had one President who wasn’t born here.

It’s a joke folks. And come on, buy cialis case it’s a little funny. ;)

2 comments January 31st, 2011

The Mechanic

I saw The Mechanic, discount viagra site today.

And now I feel like I got a lube job with blood instead of oil.

Man, that was one violent film.

4 comments January 30th, 2011

I see a lot of lists of things to do before you die

But I’ve never seen one for things to do afterwards.

5 comments January 29th, 2011

Didn’t even make it through January

Woke up this morning with the horrible realization that I forgot to post, best viagra here yesterday.

Oh well, I hope you enjoyed the day off.

2 comments January 28th, 2011

On a similar note to my last post…

According to the President’s speech, viagra buy viagra trains are the technology of our future.


A slightly faster version of a vehicle invented in 1822 is our future?

Where the fuck is my flying car? My family rocket? My personal submarine?

Where is the future I was promised?

I’m starting to feel a little ripped off, here.

3 comments January 26th, 2011

How the mighty have fallen

I believe in America.

And I know President Obama was trying to sound optimistic when he said:

What we can do – what America does better than anyone – is spark the creativity and imagination of our people. We are the nation that put cars in driveways and computers in offices; the nation of Edison and the Wright brothers; of Google and Facebook….

But how did we go from a country of giants…men who harnessed lightning, viagra usa view caught the sun in a bulb, case and taught men to fly…to a country of preening twenty-somethings lauded for inventing the “relationship status”?

1 comment January 26th, 2011

State of the Union

Isn’t the State of the Union address supposed to address the actual state of the Union?

Sounded more like a wish list for the future than a description of the present.

That said, viagra sales tadalafil I liked a lot of what the President had to say, let’s see which things he actually pushes for starting tomorrow.

1 comment January 26th, 2011

I heard a Democrat on NPR keep referring to even MORE spending…

…as “investing for the future.”

What a great slogan. Of course, viagra canada sovaldi sale she kept forgetting the second half:

Democrats. Investing for the Future…by Indebting our Children to the Chinese!

6 comments January 25th, 2011

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