Posts filed under 'Observations'

Please, please, please tell me…

…that AT&T buying T-Mobile won’t result in our seeing less of the T-Mobile girl:

7 comments March 20th, 2011

I’ve never voted absentee…

But I’m going to be out of town on April 5th. Any suggestions, viagra buy here folks?

7 comments March 18th, 2011

I’m thrilled to see Madison wiped from the nation’s front pages

I’m less thrilled that it took an earthquake, sildenafil salve tsunami, and near nuclear meltdowns to do it.

1 comment March 16th, 2011

I’ve listened to NPR every single day for ten years

And I’m not bothered that NPR has a liberal bias.

What really disturbs me is that they seriously believe that they don’t.

It’s a level of self-deception that borders on the pathological.

12 comments March 15th, 2011

I must have it so that I might release it upon the world, muahahahahah….

Discovered through Conservative Scalaway.

3 comments March 15th, 2011

Whenever I hear someone say they’d pay more in taxes…

…I think to myself, viagra generic advice “what’s stopping you?’

I’m pretty sure the government will happily take their check or money order.

Of course, prescription they don’t really mean they’re willing to pay more. What they mean is they’re willing to make me pay more.

7 comments March 15th, 2011

Damn it. I just switched to U-verse.

The all-you-can-eat broadband buffet, viagra usa remedy where Internet users don’t pay extra for heavy use, cialis is coming to an end at AT&T Corp.

Monday, diagnosis the company said it was setting caps on data usage for its DSL and U-verse broadband services.

DSL customers who exceed a monthly limit of 150 gigabytes of data in three separate months will be charged $10 for each additional 50 gigabytes they use, while U-verse subscribers will have a monthly limit of 250 gigabytes.

via AT&T sets monthly limits on broadband use – JSOnline.

6 comments March 15th, 2011

I’ve been trying to ignore the tragedy in Japan…

…because it absolutely breaks my heart and makes me feel helpless.

Add comment March 14th, 2011

I was going to make a Godzilla joke about the events in Japan

But then I saw these pictures and decided to shut the hell up.

9 comments March 11th, 2011

Adam Baldwin from CHUCK and FIREFLY…

…is on twitter and yesterday he started following my friend and chronicler Michael Caughill on twitter.

Yeah, tadalafil sale I don’t think that’s gonna last long, either.

1 comment March 11th, 2011

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