Posts filed under 'Observations'

Mostly when I think of 9/11…

…it’s not the towers, cialis stuff I see in my mind.

Or the planes.

Or the smoke and the rubble.

It’s blue sky.

Empty blue sky without a single contrail.

Something I’d never seen before.

And something I hope I’ll never see again.

1 comment September 11th, 2011

Watched the Republican debate, tonight

Governor Perry unimpressed me.

Michele Bachman and Newt Gingrich made a better impression on me than I expected.

And the person I watched with fell in love with Herman Cain.

Add comment September 7th, 2011

When did “middle class”…

…become a euphemism for “government workers?”

1 comment September 7th, 2011

Now THAT’s a product demonstration

A guy who owns a bullet-resistant glass company sits behind a pane of his product while an employee fires an AK-47 at him.

Not sure I trust anyone I know to aim a rifle at me and pull the trigger. (Although, viagra buy generic I suspect many of my regular readers have fantasized about doing exactly that.)

Discovered at Say Unle.

Add comment September 2nd, 2011

In Junior High, I read a F. Scott Fitzgerald…

…short story called THE DIAMOND AS BIG AS THE RITZ.

I wonder what F. Scoot would have thought of a diamond as big as a planet.

Add comment August 25th, 2011

Lost comments

My apologies.

In upgrading WordPress to a new database server I lost a few posts and some recent comments.

We’ll try not to have that happen again.

Add comment August 25th, 2011

No honeymoon, baby

Just listened to NPR’s All Things Considered do a total hit piece on Texas Governor Rick Perry.

Basically, generic cialis sovaldi their contention was that any good thing that happened in Texas under Perry’s watch was just pure luck.

I don’t know about you, but I think the country could use a little good luck right about now.

2 comments August 15th, 2011

Blaming the victim is not always a bad thing

I’ve been aware of the so-called Slut Walks for a while now.

Women around the world have been dressing in sexually-provocative outfits to protest a Toronto police officer who suggested one of the ways women can reduce their changes of being sexually-assaulted is to avoid dressing “like sluts.”

Many people see this as a classic example of “blaming the victim.”

And while I agree completely that a women who wears a short skirt does not “deserve” to be raped. I think we do people a disservice when we refuse to ever place any blame whatsoever on a victim.

Every day, cialis decease people make decisions that increase their likelihood of being victims. They build houses on the beach in hurricane zones. They get into cars driven by friends who have been drinking. They respond to emails from Nigerian lawyers.

When we refuse to attach any culpability to decisions like these, order we fail to discourage them.

If you break into a zoo at night and try to pet a Polar Bear, you bear some of the responsibility when he eats you.

If you flash thousands of dollars in cash at a drug dealer on North and 30th in downtown Milwaukee at three in the morning, you bear some of the responsibiltiy when he robs you.

And, yes, if you’ve been drinking all night and get into a car to go home with four men you’ve never met before, you bear some of the responsibility for what might happen to you then, too.

Don’t act like a victim and you decrease your odds of becoming one.

11 comments August 12th, 2011

One down

Only a couple hundred or so more to go:

West Allis police have detained a 16-year-old Milwaukee youth who admitted taking part in the mayhem on the opening night of the Wisconsin State Fair, viagra sale viagra and the youth could face a hate crime penalty.

via Milwaukee youth held in State Fair crime spree – JSOnline.

Add comment August 11th, 2011

It’s been so long, I can’t remember…

…but didn’t we used to be a country where everyone was supposed to be treated equally before the law?

Education Secretary Arne Duncan is exercising rarely used executive authority by inviting states to apply for legal waivers. The move comes after efforts to update the federal law stalled in Congress this year, discount viagra decease frustrating educators across the country.

via States can apply for waivers on school testing required by No Child law – The Washington Post.

Add comment August 8th, 2011

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