In defending Obamacare’s mandate, cialis buy viagra Harvard law professor Einer Elhauge wrote:
But not only is there a precedent for this, buy cialis discount there is also clear support for it in the Constitution. For decades, online Americans have been subject to a mandate to buy a health insurance plan — Medicare. Check your paystub, and you will see where your contributions have been deducted, whether or not you wanted Medicare health insurance.
Uhhhh, no. Medicare is a government program supported by a TAX. If Obamacare was a new government program supported by a tax then this Harvard professor would be correct it would be like Medicare. But it’s not. And this jackass either understands that and is attempting to deceive his readers or he does not and isn’t smart enough to teach law at Harvard or anywhere else.
November 17th, 2011
But I have to admit “Romney-Rubio 2012” has a nice ring to it.
November 8th, 2011
I’m sure it’s a great deal of fun for the guys doing it, viagra sale illness but it’s not much fun to listen to.
November 3rd, 2011
But I look at Europe and that doesnt look like progress to me.
October 30th, 2011
And, generic viagra sovaldi the one time I visited his basement, buy viagra it scared the hell out of me. I like guns, but it’s a little disconcerting to discover a full arsenal in your neighbor’s basement.
The Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office recovered a barrage of military devices, including mortars and grenades, Wednesday afternoon in a basement in Hales Corners, authorities said Thursday.
Sheriff’s deputies arrived at the residence in the 5500 block of S. 92nd St. at 2:30 p.m. They discovered 15 hand grenades, one mortar shell, one stick grenade, 18 military and parachute flares, and a light anti-tank weapon, sheriff’s spokeswoman Fran McLaughlin said in a news release. Some of them were live, McLaughlin said. Technicians from the Sheriff’s Office Explosive Ordnance Detection Bomb Squad retrieved the military devices, and destruction of the items was pending, McLaughlin said.
Authorities discover grenades, mortars at Hales Corners residence – JSOnline.
October 28th, 2011
My guess is most of the people who want to forgive student loans are the same people advocating spending policies that are burying the U.S. in multigenerational debt.
In other words, cialis generic pills let’s forgive moderate sums of money willingly borrowed by some young people while continuing to borrow unimaginable amounts in the name of children too young to decide for themselves.
Sounds fair to me.
October 21st, 2011
..that the new memorial to Martin Luther King Jr. looks white?

October 17th, 2011
FBI and DEA agents have disrupted a plot to commit a “significant terrorist act in the United States” tied to Iran, viagra sale sick federal officials told ABC News today.
I have to admit, search I think the whole world would be safer now if Bush had attacked Iran rather than Iraq.
October 12th, 2011