Getting a photo ID to vote is just too hard for her…
…but she has plenty of time and energy to take the state to court to
13 comments December 15th, 2011
…but she has plenty of time and energy to take the state to court to
13 comments December 15th, 2011
I sort of get the feeling that Watergate would never have been reported if Nixon had been a Democrat.
1 comment December 13th, 2011
Apparently some folks are floating the idea of a Robin Hood tax:
They call it the Robin Hood tax — a tiny levy on trades in the financial markets that would take money from the banks and give it to the world’s poor.
Uhhhh, discount viagra generic didn’t Robin Hood mostly steal from the tax collectors?
1 comment December 12th, 2011
And I swear I don’t remember Santa being such a prick.
Add comment December 9th, 2011
Add comment December 2nd, 2011
Normally, generic cialis help the media instantly begins depicting a Republican nominee as dumb, but that’s not going to work against Mr. Gingrich.
I’m thinking they’ll go with “heartless.”
8 comments November 29th, 2011
I know most of you think I’ve been sick for a lot longer than that, buy viagra shop but I’ve only had the bronchitis for three weeks.
Starting to feel better. Which means I can spend more time making you guys feel worse!
Add comment November 29th, 2011
…Michael Caughill to 1.4 million people:
Man, best cialis cialis I bet he’s regretting turning “crowd sourcing” into a single word to fit in under the character limit, now.
Add comment November 17th, 2011