Posts filed under 'Observations'

The power of investing?

A friend invested $300 in a college fund in 2006. It is now worth $180.

Someone’s got some ‘splainin’ to do.

1 comment January 11th, 2012

A note to folks who think Romney shouldnt be criticized for Bain

Not liking corporate raiders doesnt make you anti-capitalistic.

3 comments January 10th, 2012

And if you forced every American to watch this video, 90% of them wouldn’t care

Discovered at Marquette Warrior: All You Really Needed to Understand About Federal Fiscal Policy.

1 comment January 10th, 2012

A little bird just told me that Todd Palin endorsed Newt Gingrich

I’d say that’s pretty good evidence that Sarah isn’t planning on running anytime soon.

2 comments January 9th, 2012

Hmmm, Illinois’s tax hikes…

…didn’t keep the rating agencies from telling them to take a hike:

Though Illinois took steps in the last year to address its fiscal crisis, viagra buy malady including a temporary hike in the corporate and personal income tax rates, cialis buy there the steps did not lift the ratings on its debt.

via Moody's cuts Illinois debt rating to A2 from A1 –

Add comment January 9th, 2012

Ive been playing as a bad guy in Star Wars: The Old Republic and I feel sort of weird about it

Sort of like I would if I suddenly got the urge to vote for a Democrat.

1 comment January 9th, 2012

Concealed Carry Permit rejected!

Not because Im a raving lunatic (which I am), tadalafil online but because the address on my application was very slightly different from the one at the DOT.

I guess Im glad theyre being so thorough.

But my shoulder hosted does feel way to light without anything in it.

3 comments January 8th, 2012

So here’s an interesting election year question

How low does the unemployment rate have to fall to guarantee President Obama’s re-election?

My guess: anything under 7% and he’s golden.

Add comment January 6th, 2012

I’ve decided to only make New Year’s resolutions I know I can keep

So this year, best viagra order I’ve resolved to gain 10 pounds.

1 comment January 6th, 2012

I’ve been telling people privately for a while now…

…that I thought a Romney/Rubio ticket would clean President Obama’s clock.

Apparently, cialis usa help Kathleen Parker had the same thought:

Marco Rubio has what Mitt Romney needs in a vice president – The Washington Post.

2 comments January 5th, 2012

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