Posts filed under 'Observations'

Sometimes you just have to say, “holy crap”

25 Unbelievable Pictures Of The Tornadoes That Hit The Dallas/Fort Worth Area.

5 comments April 4th, 2012

Yeah, I voted for Newt Gingrich, today

And now you know who his one vote was!

3 comments April 3rd, 2012

I don’t think that word means what you think it means

Obama warns justices against 'activism' on health law.

Judicial activism is when a Court finds a right to Abortion in the “penumbra” of the Constitution.

Striking down a law that would fully eviscerate the idea of a Federal government limited to enumerated powers is self-defense.

Add comment April 2nd, 2012


Walker gets support of Milwaukee police and firefighter unions – JSOnline.

2 comments April 2nd, 2012

What’s it say about a legal education in America…

…that the literal meaning of the Constitution so often comes down to a 5 to 4 vote?

1 comment March 30th, 2012

Fat, my butt

If she’s fat, I’m now officially a chubby chaser.

Add comment March 28th, 2012

Apparently, it’s not “media bias”…

…it’s media blindness.

First, consider that journalists are overwhelmingly liberal.

Then understand that

in a survey of 2, healing 000 Americans, Haidt found that self-described liberals, especially those who called themselves “very liberal,” were worse at predicting the moral judgments of moderates and conservatives than moderates and conservatives were at predicting the moral judgments of liberals. Liberals don’t understand conservative values. And they can’t recognize this failing, because they’re so convinced of their rationality, open-mindedness and enlightenment.

So it’s not just that liberal reporters are biased against a conservative point of view…it seems they’re incapable of even seeing it in the first place.

1 comment March 27th, 2012

Men are easy?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this post on male privilege written by a well-known and extremely-talented science fiction writer named John Scalzi.

At first, best cialis hospital I wasn’t going to respond to his claim that “being male is easy.”

I had two reasons for this:

  1. I think males in the U.S. do have a number of advantages over women especially when it comes to pay and status in the workplace. (And let’s not even talk about countries like Saudi Arabia.)
  2. I believe in never picking a fight with someone who has a much larger megaphone than I do.

But, after a week of ruminating on Mr. Scalzi’s claim, I just can’t let it go.

I understand why Mr. Scalzi believes men are the more fortunate sex. He and I are approximately the same age and we’ve both been raised in a culture where white men are often portrayed as the reason for all the evil in the world. Phil Donohue and Oprah spent many hours pointing out the injustices committed by men and the corresponding plight of women. But just because you believe it’s so, doesn’t make it so.

Statistically, it is much more difficult and dangerous to be a man.

While men are more likely to commit crimes such as rape, they are vastly more likely to be the victims of crime. They are more likely to be homeless, more likely to be incarcerated, more likely to be alcoholics, more likely to be autistic, more likely to be killed in combat, and more likely to commit suicide.

On the flip side, being a woman isn’t all bad.

Women control most of the country’s wealth.

They live longer.

They graduate from college at a higher rate.

They can’t be drafted.

And, contrary to popular belief, they are the sex most in control of their reproduction.

If a man impregnates a woman she can choose to keep it or abort it, but he has no voice in either decision. If she decides to keep it, she can then sue the man for 18-years of chid support whether he wanted the child to be born or not.

(It certainly seems to me like men got the short end of the pregnancy test stick on that one.)

I’m glad Mr. Scalzi likes being a man. As it happens, so do I.

But that doesn’t mean I agree that a life of enormous privilege is handed out free with every penis.

5 comments March 26th, 2012

I truly believe America would be better off…

…if we hadn’t basically thrown away the concept of shame sometime in the early 70s.

6 comments March 22nd, 2012

OK, enough about real guns

Let’s talk about video game ones, sildenafil case instead.

I’ve been playing Mass Effect 3 the last few days and it’s a phenomenal game.

Nothing quite like teleporting up into a guy’s grill and blasting him with a space shotgun.

And people wonder why I never accomplish anything.

6 comments March 20th, 2012

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