Posts filed under 'Observations'

I hate playing the “imagine if” game

But imagine if these bombers had been this closely allied with the Tea Party movement instead of the Occupy movement.

Do I even have to describe the field day the mainstream media would be having?

One of the five self-described anarchists arrested last week for attempting to blow up a local bridge signed the lease for a West Side warehouse where about a dozen members of the Occupy Cleveland group live.In a one-hour recording of a Friday evening general assembly meeting of the group posted on its website, cialis usa medicine occupy leaders expressed concern about Anthony Haynes name being on the lease, view which strengthens his link to the group."We have a person facing terrorism charges on the lease of our warehouse," said one of the leaders. "If this gets into the media, it would be a disaster."

Add comment May 6th, 2012

If anything could make me believe in God…

…this is it:

1 comment May 2nd, 2012

I remember when people…

…who had 1/32 Cherokee blood mixed in with a bunch of other races and nationalities would have just referred to themselves as an American and not a Native American.

Genealogist says Warren may be able to claim Cherokee heritage; Brown and Warren campaigns continue to trade barbs – Political Intelligence – A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe –

2 comments May 2nd, 2012

I think the Buffet Rule…

…should be that anyone who says they’re willing to pay higher taxes automatically has their taxes increased to 95%.

1 comment May 2nd, 2012

The new face of the GOP?

Erika Harold, Former Miss America, Wants U.S. House Seat.

I think my big tent just get bigger….that was wrong to say, wasn’t it?

1 comment April 27th, 2012

In other news, water is wet

Teachers union to back winner of Dem recall primary – JSOnline.

1 comment April 24th, 2012

I was talking to a friend about Social Security

And she said the next time someone tells her they’re entitled to Social Security because they’ve been paying into it their whole life, buy cialis sickness she’s going to respond that they lost their entitlement when they voted for politicians who squandered it.

1 comment April 19th, 2012

Nothing like a trip to Chuck E. Cheese’s…

…to reinforce your faith in humanity.

Add comment April 16th, 2012


“Government is all about telling people what to do, ” said Annetta Cheek, a retired federal worker from Falls Church.

via Advocates of the Plain Writing Act prod federal agencies to keep it simple – The Washington Post.

1 comment April 9th, 2012

Walker good for business?


The number of new businesses formed in Wisconsin in the first quarter increased by 12.2 percent compared with the same period in 2011, tadalafil diagnosis according to data released Monday by the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions   

via New business formation in Wisconsin up 12.2% for 1Q – Milwaukee – The Business Journal.

Add comment April 9th, 2012

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