Posts filed under 'Observations'


This is why somewhere around 10,000 people a day read Ann Althouse:

Do something — what a wonderful concept, often heard in the old cry for help: “Don’t just stand there; do something.”

It’s the the motto of the liberal. The corresponding motto of the conservative is: First, do no harm.

5 comments May 31st, 2012

I wonder if I’m the only one of the six million people…

…who watched this video who thought to themselves, “I don’t think it’s legal for her to be sitting in the back of that car like that while they drive it”?

Add comment May 29th, 2012

As I often say…

…every day you’re probably violating at least one law that you’ve never heard of:

Leaders in both parties unknowingly made illegal posts – JSOnline.

1 comment May 29th, 2012

I’ve started to notice that the more likely I am to see a “No Guns Allowed” sign…

…the more likely I am to be in a place where I might need one.

11 comments May 23rd, 2012

Walt Disney must have hated the world very much…

…to give it Disney World.

(Can you guess where I was, today?)

2 comments May 13th, 2012

Obama is in serious trouble

If the best President Obama’s buddies in the mainstream media can come up with to attack Mitt Romney is a high school prank that may or may not have happened 47 years ago and Mr. Romney transporting his dog in a kennel on the roof of his car nearly 30 years ago, they’re going to have a tough time distracting voters from what Obama has been doing for the last four years.

6 comments May 10th, 2012

May surprise?

My guess is if Milwaukee District Attorney John Chisholm has anything really damaging on Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, he’ll release it one to two weeks before the recall election.

3 comments May 9th, 2012

Liberals distrust the government when they’re young

Conservatives distrust it when they’re old.

Add comment May 9th, 2012

While the media and the Democrats fret about the U.S. becoming an oligarchy…

…or a theocracy, it’s becoming something much worse…a bureaucracy.

Add comment May 8th, 2012

Does Facebook remind anyone else of…

…America Online circa 2000?

In case I’m being too ambiguous, cialis sale health I remember when AOL was the Internet juggernaut that would last forever. I suspect Mark Zuckerberg and Stever Case might end up side-by-side on bar stools commiserating one day.

4 comments May 7th, 2012

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