Posts filed under 'Observations'

I haven’t been able to enjoy the Olympics…

…since the Soviet Union collapsed. Competition is no fun without a villain – a reality well-understood by professional wrestling.

4 comments July 31st, 2012

I believe this is the only time ever that seeing boobs…

…made me feel bad:

Discovered at Stupid Is A Five Letter Word.

Add comment July 31st, 2012

I just can’t get worked up about Kristen Stewart cheating on Robert Patterson

It would be like getting upset that Doris Day cheated on Rock Hudson.

5 comments July 27th, 2012

From “hope and change” to “It’s OK To Make A Change”

Found at Wizbang.

Add comment July 26th, 2012

If what President Obama plans on doing in a second term is so wonderful, why isn’t he doing it already?

Mitt Romney has no choice but to just talk about what he would do if he were President.

What’s Barack Obama’s excuse?

5 comments July 25th, 2012

When it comes to gun control…

…the folks who most need to read this…

The LawDog Files: Meditations on gun control.

…probably wouldn’t see the point and certainly wouldn’t be persuaded by it.

1 comment July 25th, 2012

POLITICO says, Obama has no patience for ‘you didn’t build that’ attacks

In response to the criticism he’s been getting for saying “you didn’t build that,” President Obama said:

“And if you don’t like folks talking about you, you probably shouldn’t run for president. The one thing I do have no patience for is this argument that somehow what I’m criticizing is success… I want to promote success,”

But considering he keeps advocating higher taxes on the successful, I think he probably should have said:

“And if you don’t like folks talking about you, you probably shouldn’t run for president. The one thing I do have no patience for is this argument that somehow what I’m criticizing is success… I want to penalize success,”

5 comments July 25th, 2012

It’s not younger women I desire…

…it’s the women from my youth.

2 comments July 24th, 2012

Two thoughts on the Aurora Shootings

  1. To the people who think an armed civilian would have put a quick end to the massacre: If I had been caught in that theater I would have wanted to be armed, but I’ve got to say it would have been the worst self-defense situation imaginable. Outgunned by a madman in the dark and surrounded by panicking innocents?Firing a handgun at an assailant swaddled in bullet proof/resistant clothing? Blinded by the flash of your own fire? I would have wanted my gun with me, but I’m not sure it would have made much of a difference.
  2. To the people who would use this tragedy to try to implement more “reasonable” gun control laws: The most severe laws we have are reserved for murder and attempted murder. This mad man violated those laws approximate 60 times in just a few minutes. What possible gun-control law can you imagine implementing that he wouldn’t have violated just as blithely? By definition, gun control laws only serve to disarm the law abiding. When you advocate gun control, you are doing your best to make good people helpless in the face of evil. That’s not “reasonable” or compassionate. It’s illogical and cruel.

Add comment July 23rd, 2012

Haven’t you ever heard of the Internet, Fred?

Fred Willard gets caught with his pants down in an adult movie theater.

Add comment July 19th, 2012

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