Posts filed under 'Milwaukee'

Personal responsibility? Never heard of it.

In the University of Wisconsin‘s latest pro-minority program, best viagra viagra “The idea is to shift responsibility for minority student failure from the students to the institutions. It is a change in attitude that USC researcher Estela Mara Bensimon found surprisingly easy to instill in Wisconsin university leaders.”

Yes, medicine I’m sure it was surprisingly easy to convince the people who lead the University of Wisconsin that “minority” is synonymous with “victim.” I’m sure they were falling all over themselves to explain why it’s never a minority student’s fault if he or she fails.

Does anyone else remember when you had to bring excuses to the teachers, instead of getting them from them?

1 comment January 14th, 2008

I’d be in favor of a short suspension from the bench for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Annette Ziegler…

..if that meant that the folks on the Left would stop calling Justice Ziegler corrupt.

But they won’t.

They don’t care that (as the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editorial board admitted), best cialis treatment

Ziegler didn’t mean to violate the ethics code, cialis sales unhealthy and she and her family didn’t benefit from the rulings, troche the panel found. Also, Ziegler made the correct rulings and no parties to the cases sought to reopen them after her conflicts were disclosed, it said.

The Left in Wisconsin will never stop crying corruption when it comes to Annette Ziegler, because it gives them a muzzle to silence her with whenever they think she might vote against their interests.

And that disenfranchises every single person who voted for her in the election.

And, as far as I’m concerned, that’s a much bigger lapse of ethics than anything Justice Ziegler is accused of doing.

13 comments January 8th, 2008

Hey, look, a smart guy agrees with me!

In a column in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, viagra usa doctor travel industry consultant Jay Sorenson says:

I believe within four years, physician Midwest Airlines will cease to exist as an independent entity. Northwest Airlines did the math and found it was cheaper to buy a small competitor than to risk the entry of AirTran Airways as a low-cost carrier smack in the middle of its so-called Heartland market area.

I’ve met Jay in the past and I knew he was smart.

But now that he agrees with me 100%, my respect for his insight and intelligence has simply soared!

2 comments January 7th, 2008

Wisconsin’s most influential liberal blogger?

In the past, generic viagra sickness I would have said it was Jay Bullock of Folkbum’s Rambles and Rants.

Jay’s been the local media’s go-to blogger for a liberal perspective for a couple of years now.

But recently, discount cialis I’ve noticed that the more acerbic liberal blogger Michael Mathias of Pundit Nation has been getting all the attention from the right side of the Cheddarsphere:

Nick Schweitzer at The World According to Nick, challenges Mathias on mandtoary health insurance here.

Owen Robinson of Boots & Sabers takes Mathias to task for his comment about a picture taken at a blogging holiday party.

And John McAdams at Marquette Warrior challenged Mathias’ commitment to free speech.

When you have three of the best conservative-type bloggers in Wisconsin responding to what you write, you’re definitely having an influence…even if your opinions sometimes make it seem like you’re under the influence.

I think Jay is gonna have to start lobbing a few more bombs if he wants to keep his place as the Wisconsin Blogosphere’s Lead Lefty.

2 comments January 3rd, 2008

I think this post…

…on privatization is one of the best things Milwaukee blogger Nick Schweitzer has ever written.

If I have any traffic left after my lackluster posting over the holidays, viagra generic online I hope it all goes over to Nick to read this one.

2 comments December 28th, 2007

Four inches, my cold, steely butt.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting four inches of snow has fallen already in some areas, cialis sale cialis sale but I’ve already dug out from under at least six inches and it’s still coming.

I think the reason people believe in global warming is that no one ever measures the snowfall at my house.

3 comments December 28th, 2007

Wisconsin’s Medicaid computer system…

…is going to cost twice as much as promised, viagra generic buy viagra but letting Wisconsin run ALL our healthcare is supposed to save us money.

Uh huh.

Maybe it will.

As long as they don’t need to use a computer system to run it.

1 comment December 27th, 2007

It’s a Christmas miracle!

Conservative lawyer and blogger Rick Esenberg is once again back on the opinion pages of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

The average IQ on those pages just went up a few points.

On the other hand, cialis generic rx I think Rick is a little too sanguine about the necessity for a rigid separation of church and state.

My guess is if Islam or Wicca were the dominant religions in this country, generic viagra salve fewer Christians would be in such a hurry to dismiss the importance of that wall.

6 comments December 23rd, 2007

Goodnight, Tom.

What do you say when a man you only met a few times suddenly dies?

God’s speed, viagra usa ailment Tom.

2 comments December 15th, 2007

76% of Wisconsinites think illegal immigrants shouldn’t be allowed to get driver’s liscences

A fact you probably didn’t know since the story on it was buried around page seven of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s metro section.

Add comment December 12th, 2007

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