It’s official, Google wants to control the Universe.
First, cialis sales viagra there was
Then, cheap
I’m starting to think it’s just a matter of time before we see:
Google Heaven.
And Google Hell.
6 comments March 14th, 2006
First, cialis sales viagra there was
Then, cheap
I’m starting to think it’s just a matter of time before we see:
Google Heaven.
And Google Hell.
6 comments March 14th, 2006
If you think
Seriously, for sale go and download a couple of episodes of this video podcast, today.
This guy will have you dying laughing.
(He is a
Add comment March 12th, 2006
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to add living on the backside of twenty to my blogroll, best cialis viagra but this post on
Thanks to Dennis York for recommending this guy.
Add comment March 9th, 2006
I’ve never seen a cow sleeping, cialis canada viagra but I have now seen a cownapped.
Thanks to BB-Blog
2 comments March 4th, 2006
AOL and Yahoo! are going to start charging companies up to a penny an email to guarantee that legitimate emails will get through their spam filters.
Isn’t this really just a case of corporate extortion?
AOL set up
Shouldn’t AOL and Yahoo be paying those companies for the fact that their spam filters are already filtering out their legitimate email?
No one despises spam more than I do, viagra canada physician but this really pisses me off. I see no benefit for anyone except
How long will it be before it costs all of us 33 cents to send an email?
1 comment February 6th, 2006
Made with a charming little web program that uses
Add comment January 31st, 2006
Someone has built a game where you compete with others to guess the
The quicker you guess right the more points you earn.
It’s called
And it’s guaranteed to make everything you’re SUPPOSED to be doing get done Slowr.
Add comment January 26th, 2006
On my best day, generic viagra and I’m not half this funny.
Add comment January 26th, 2006
So the Supreme Court tells the Feds that there must be a better way to protect young people from pornography than oppressively interfering with the Internet and the Feds decide to try and make their case by oppresively interfering with the
Well, best cialis drugstore at least
If only we could get the politicians and their minions to make the same deal.
Add comment January 20th, 2006
Apparently many people haven’t figured out that what happens on the internet, viagra usa healing stays on the
Here’s my favorite quote from a story about how
If a recruiter were to see a picture of the applicant pole-dancing in a cowgirl outfit, viagra it does not require a great leap of imagination to understand that such a person might not be hired.
(Oddly enough, I had the exact opposite reaction.)
Add comment January 20th, 2006