Posts filed under 'Internet'

Seem twit!

Avoid work by playing with the the Internet Anagram Server.

Type in some words and it will spit back a series of possible anagrams.

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“Waste time.”

1 comment February 12th, 2007

Sometimes I get too angry to speak…

…but I’m never too angry to Speak n Spell.

Try it!

Spelled: T.R.Y. I.T.

Add comment February 6th, 2007

This is what the word “camp” was invented for.

My last post is the perfect seque to link to the most amazing video ever filmed.

Add comment January 12th, 2007

You gotta love it when celebrities really “mug” for the camera.

The Smoking Gun has a great collection of mug shots of famous folk including:

Jane Fonda

Bill Gates

Rush Limbaugh

Rosa Parks

And, best cialis troche of course, viagra buy store Frank.

Thank God they don’t have my mug shot. It’s not a lot prettier than my driver’s license photo.

Add comment November 13th, 2006

Conspiracy theories?

Penn & Teller think they are all “Bullshit“.

1 comment October 23rd, 2006

When it rains, why don’t sheep shrink?

768 funny bumper stickers

Add comment September 19th, 2006

10,000 Reasons Civilization is Doomed – these are my kind of people

A website dedicated to listing all the reasons why civilization is falling…I love it.

A few too many of the “reasons” people list involve George Bush (or, cialis canada help even better, cialis buy order the USA), buy but because anyone can add a reason you could always add a few bashing Hillary or affirmative action if that makes you feel better.

Add comment August 30th, 2006

Who is responsible for spam?

The MORONS who actually click on the damn links when they get the spam.

If none of them ever clicked on a porn link, cialis generic a mortgage offer, buy cialis or a Viagra ad, spam would become unprofitable and the damned spammers would STOP sending it to the rest of us.

But NO… I have to weed through 300 offers to enlarge my penis every time I open my inbox because some idiot in Iowa believes that “Mandy” and her hot friends really wants to meet him online.

6 comments August 22nd, 2006

Are naked cartoon breasts in a video game really the worst thing parents have to worry about?

My favorite videogame in the world right now, cialis sale store Oblivion, generic viagra is being “upgraded” to a Mature rating because people with a PC can download a mod that will let you see topless versions of the game characters.

OK, folks…if your kids are in a position where they can do unsupervised downloading from the internet, topless videogame cartoons are the least of what you should be worrying about.

(If I was being too subtle for you, I was talking about PORN.)

4 comments May 4th, 2006

To all you bloggers still using Blogger.

Google accidently deleted their own blog on

What sort of care do you think they are taking of yours?

3 comments March 28th, 2006

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