Posts filed under 'Blogs'

Scratched my back: I Think Too Much

I Think Too Much.

Well, viagra usa viagra as you all know, I don’t think too much.

I Think Too Much
is the name of the blog written by the next person who was foolish enough to itch my scratch or scratch my back or something.

I Think Too Much is written by an absolutely fascinating man named Jim Zierke in Sussex, Wisconsin.

Jim is a conservative Christian who has somehow managed not to burst into flames the instant he reads anything I write.

I can’t say anything more interesting about Jim than what he’s already said for himself on his home page:

I’m a middle-aged guy, a retired firefighter, and an independent contractor in the insurance industry. I’m also a track chaplain at Slinger Speedway and a Disaster Relief Chaplain for Southern Baptist Disaster Relief. When I have a spare week or two I head to Kentucky and volunteer with the Christian Appalachian Project. I’m married and have one adult daughter.

I’m going to think of that description next time I think I’m too busy to blog.

Add comment November 29th, 2008

Scratched my back: Try 2 Focus

Once again, buy viagra healing what started as a whim has lead to me discovering another good blog that I hadn’t heard of: Try 2 Focus.

In addition to having a name that also happens to be great advice, buy cialis site Try 2 Focus is the product of a Wisconsin IT professional and Conservative Republican who lives in Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin.

What stands out most about the site is that the author is obviously a big fan of Fred Thompson. (Fan of his politics, not necessarily his acting. ;) )

Try 2 Focus is worth going to just to see all the ads Thompson ran during his campaign.

In fact, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to go watch them all now, myself!

1 comment November 28th, 2008

Scratched my back: Boots and Kittens

Earlier, sildenafil ask I blogged about Boots & Sabers, one of the best Conservative blogs in Wisconsin, and now I have the pleasure to introduce you to Boots and Kittens , the best parody of the one of the best Conservative blogs in Wisconsin.

Boots and Kittens is hilarious.

They start with actual posts from Boots & Sabers and add a sarcastic liberal twist.

What I want to know is how do I inspire someone to create a parody site about From Where I Sit?

Actually, now that I think about it, I don’t think anyone really needs to read a site called From Where I Shit.

(Pardon the scatological reference, but what else rhymes with “sit?” ;) )

By the way, I couldn’t find an RSS feed for this site. If the authors want me to read it on a regular bases, that’s something that has to be rectified.

10 comments November 28th, 2008

Scratched my back: The Other Side of My Mouth

I have a special spot in the cockles (it doesn’t mean what you think it means) of my heart for Tim at The Other Side of My Mouth.

Tim was one of the first bloggers who ever linked to From Where I Sit (more than 4 years ago, tadalafil salve now).

When you’re struggling to attract your first readers, cialis usa getting an unrequested link from someone else is like having a pretty girl smile at you in a bar (or good-looking guy, if that’s what you’re into).

Tim’s a strong liberal and not shy about it.

If your politics lean left (or even if they don’t), The Other Side of My Mouth is worth your time.

One last thing about Tim: when I first started reading his blog he had a picture of Bob Marley as his profile image. So for about three months, I was absolutely convinced that Tim was an African American. Thank God, I never mentioned it to him (until now). ;)

2 comments November 26th, 2008

Scratched my back: The Happy Circumstance

I always think of Grumps at The Happy Circumstance as my not-so-evil twin.

He and I started blogging at almost the exact same moment.

I tend to be a little right-of-center and he’s a little left of it.

In a lot of ways, discount viagra cure we’re mirror images.

We both tend to write short posts.

We both try to see the other guy’s side.

And I think we both place a high value on respecting those we disagree with.

But as much as I love reading Grump’s posts at The Happy Circumstance, illness I love it best when he leaves a comment here at From Where I Sit.

Grumps (along with an occasional assist from Capper) is the main violator of my only rule: NEVER be more amusing than I am.

Come to think of it, I don’t think Grump’s has ever managed to obey that particular rule. I guess being a rule-breaker is why he’s on the left side of center and I’m on the right. ;)

2 comments November 26th, 2008

Scratched my back: Lost In Wisconsin

At first, viagra generic and I was at a loss on how to describe Lost In Wisconsin.

Unlike most of the blogs I frequent, Lost has very little political content. What it does have is a lot of personal charm.

Blogs like this go back to the first impulse of blogging: capturing the things the writer cares about and conveying it to the world in idiosyncratic fashion.

Ironically, reading this blog will make you feel less like your lost in Wisconsin and more like you’ve found a friend there.

One last note, the blog’s author thought I might not be interested in reading her blog because I tend to focus so much on politics.

I write about politics, I read about everything.

2 comments November 26th, 2008

Scratched my back: Stepping Right Up!

Who knew there were so many conservative women writing blogs in Wisconsin?

Stepping Right Up! is a political blog based in Kenosha, sildenafil sales Wisconsin, but focused on the nation and the world.

Like me, the proprietor, Ms. Carpenter, appears to be a big Sarah Palin fan.

And, in return for her kindly sending me all four of her regular readers, I’ve added Stepping Right Up! to my blogroll.

3 comments November 25th, 2008

Scratched my back: Boots and Sabers

Boots & Sabers is arguably the most important blog in Wisconsin.

Owen Robinson, viagra buy for sale one of the blogs two founders, mind has parlayed his blogging into a weekly newspaper column and regular appearances on Wisconsin Public Radio and Charlie Syke’s Weekly Insights TV show.

Owen is an able advocate of Conservative ideas and husband to one of the greatest ladies on the planet: his lovely wife Wendy

I know less about Boot & Saber’s other founder, Jed. He’s a lawyer, an air force officer, and a gentleman (Although, I’m not sure how the lawyer and gentleman parts get along).

If Boots & Sabers isn’t already one of your daily reads, you need to march over there on the double. Even, if only, to see what you’ve been missing out on.

1 comment November 25th, 2008

Scratching my back: Prosqtor’s Progress

Here’s another good blog I wasn’t even aware of: Prosqtor’s Progress.

The blogger is apparently a county prosecutor somewhere in Wisconsin. He writes about the law and life. What could be more interesting?

I’ve added him to my reading list.

(After all, generic cialis decease you can never tell when having a friendly relationship with a prosecutor could pay off. ;) )

4 comments November 25th, 2008

Scratched my back: Badger Blogger

Very few blogs can pretend to have any real journalistic value.

In Wisconsin, sildenafil stuff the only one I can think of is Badger Blogger.

Badger Blogger was started by Partick Dorwin, cialis sale and but over the years it has added some excellent co-bloggers including Bruce and an ex-police Captain named Glenn.

Badger Blogger has broken a number of stories over the years, and has done a phenomenal job of living up to their mission statement: “Covering Wisconsin the way the media won’t.
Covering the media, the way they fear!”

4 comments November 24th, 2008

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