Posts filed under 'Blogs'

Scratched my back: Whallah! AND Cognitive Dissidence

The Wisconsin writer called “Capper” may just be the busiest man in blog business.

He maintains two sites of his own Whallah! and Cognitive Dissidence.

In his copious free time, viagra generic buy viagra he also contributes to the very popular Wisconsin left-wing blog Folkbum’s Rants & Rambles.

I like Capper a great deal, cialis sale doctor although I’m virtually alone among the right-of-center bloggers in Wisconsin in that regard.

For some reason, Capper has very antagonistic relationships with many of Wisconsin’s conservative bloggers.

Personally, I find him to be funny and friendly.

In fact, he’s one of the guys who always confuses me (a lot like Barack Obama does) because I just can’t understand how someone can be so smart and yet STILL disagree with me on politics.

Weird. I know.

As an aside, Capper apparently thinks he should be my nemesis, but as Dr. Horrible tells Johnny Snow, “you’re not my nemesis. My nemesis is Captain Hammer. Captain Hammer…corporate tool!”

But Capper, your are more than welcome to keep being the foil that calls me out when I’m being the fool.

9 comments November 21st, 2008

How can you not have a crush on blogger Ann Althouse…

…when she responds to the uproar over Sarah Palin being filmed in front of a man draining blood from dead turkeys with a comment like this:

Deal with it, viagra canada no rx you candy-asses. If you eat meat, something like that is going on in the background for you too.

9 comments November 21st, 2008

Scratched my back: Musings of a Thoughtful Conservative

In addition to being one of the nicest men you will ever meet, cialis usa thumb Dean Mundy of Musings of a Thoughtful Conservative is famous (infamous?) for being among the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s first crop of Community Columnists.

Dean is missionary in real life, discount but don’t let that give you the wrong impression (not that it should anyway). The name of his blog is completely appropriate. He’s one of the most “thoughtful Conservatives” I’ve ever met. He’s unorthodix and open minded and polite to everyone…maybe especially people he disagrees with.

You’ll enjoy meeting Dean online; but, if you ever get the chance, I highly recommend meeting him in person.

4 comments November 21st, 2008

Scratched my back: Fuzz Martin

In addition to being a great blogger, viagra sale sovaldi Fuzz’s other pursuits makes the rest of us seem lazy and unaccomplished.

He hosts a real morning show on WBWI FM and his work as a professional photographer is available on

The only thing that’s sort of odd about “Fuzz” is that he’s the one whose name sounds like it belongs to a fictional character. ;)

1 comment November 21st, 2008

Scratched my back: A little off Main

Now, viagra buy illness I’m very glad I decided to try this exercise in mutual self promotion. (That sounds vaguely dirty, cialis generic click doesn’t it?)

If I hadn’t, I would never have discovered A little off Main.

Not only did the proprietor Alexander have the best post so far about From Where I Sit, the rest of his Conservative-leaning blog is also pretty darn good.

I’ve added him to my RSS reader and my sidebar.

1 comment November 20th, 2008

Scratched my back: The Chad has spoken!

The Chad is one of Wisconsin’s many good-hearted Christian Conservative bloggers.

He’s also a frequent commenter here at From Where I Sit.

I love seeing his name, best viagra doctor because it always reminds me of this guy from the Charlie’s Angels movie:

2 comments November 20th, 2008

Scratched my back: The World According to Nick

There’s always a smart ass and, viagra canada for sale more often than not, it’s Nick Schweitzer of The World According to Nick.

Nick is actually the guy who is closest to my own views in the Wisconsin Cheddarsphere.

We’re both libertarians (although he’s a lot more true to it than I am) and neither of us are above taking an occasional shot at our own “side” of the political world.

Nick’s an excellent blogger, but unfortunately for his readers he’s been taking a bit of a vacation, lately.

Hopefully, he’ll be back being soon and all will be right with the world. At least according to Nick.

3 comments November 20th, 2008

Scratched my back: According to Coop

Coop, viagra canada generic the proprietor of According to Coop (appropriately enough), nurse turns out to be a Capricorn like me. No wonder I like him.

Coop is a fellow right-leaning blogger who is currently taking classes at Milwaukee Area Technical College…which already makes him more erudite and ambitious than 68% of the other bloggers you’ll be reading, cialis today.

He doesn’t post anywhere as often as I’d like, but you can always get your fix by following him (like I do) on Twitter: at wannabenewsboy

Add comment November 20th, 2008

Scratched my back: Blogging Blue

I remember when the Cheddarsphere seemed to be dominated by Right-of-center bloggers, viagra generic cialis but in the last few years it seems like all the real growth has occured on the Left.

One of the best of the recent crop of liberal Wisconsinites blogging is Zach at Blogging Blue. (If you can call someone blogging since 2007 recent. But I’ve been around since 2005, no rx so I guess I have the right.)

Plus, treat he’s got a kick-ass header image (it’s OK that I said “ass,” ’cause it’s a donkey!):

Add comment November 20th, 2008

A offer for my fellow bloggers:

OK, cialis usa healing folks, cialis canada discount here’s the offer:

You write a post introducing me to your readers and I’ll return the favor.

Your post doesn’t have to be complimentary. It doesn’t have to be long. It doesn’t even have to be truthful.

(Of course, cialis depending on what you say, I might follow your lead in my post about you. It is the season of “do unto others,” you know. ;) )

I should see the link, but to be safe you might want to leave a comment here pointing back to your post.

Let’s see if we can all up our readerships a smidgen, shall we?

52 comments November 20th, 2008

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