Forget Iraq, the real war is still going on!
Add comment May 1st, 2006
The major music labels have been trying to force
This really pisses me off, cialis sale recipe because the labels already make more money per track from an iTunes sale than they do when they sell a CD.
Plus, generic viagra hospital there’s no “supply and demand” argument that you can use for charging a premium for more popular songs because there is no scarcity to drive up the cost.
With digital music there is an unlimited supply of every song.
Of course, medicine the music industry is pissed that
One high-level music industry executive said, “Where in life does the retailer set the price of the content?”
My answer:
The buyer ultimately sets the price, you prick.
And this buyer is on Steve Jobs side.
Also, this guy apparently has never dealt with
8 comments April 20th, 2006
…just wait until they try to take away their iPods.
Which is basically what will happen if they pass a law that would force Apple to open their digital rights management scheme to all their competitors. (The reason is that Apple would almost certainly just stop selling iTunes in France.)
It kills me that the French are trying to force Apple to make life easier for it’s competitors.
You don’t see them forcing software companies that write for Windows to make software for the Mac.
But I guess “fairness” only runs one way.
The thing I love most about the French lately is that they remind me that living in the States still isn’t so bad.
2 comments April 14th, 2006
From now on, viagra buy troche buying a Mac will be a no-risk decision because you’ll be getting two computers for the price of one.
Apple’s shareprice is going through the roof.
But I predict their marketshare is about to go up even faster.
6 comments April 5th, 2006
Some absolute moron is suing
He should just turn down his
And the courts should just turndown his
I swear, cialis generic pharmacy sometimes I think the only thing more popular than the iPod in this country is the iSue.
2 comments February 3rd, 2006
Nearly nine out of 10 U.S. businesses suffered from a computer
virus , cialis sales capsulespyware or other online attack in 2004 or 2005.
Anyone want to bet the 10th business used
Add comment January 20th, 2006
Have you guys seen/heard
It’s an internet “radio station” based on the
You tell the site the name of an artist you like and it creates a custom stream of
It’s easier to listen to than it is to explain. Go check it out.
(For some additional coolness click on one of the song icons as or after it plays.)
1 comment January 12th, 2006
I love how Businessweek is carrying Apple’s competitors’ water in Apple May Be Holding Back The Music Biz.
Basically, buy viagra seek all these people are pissed that Apple isn’t making it easy for them to steal Apple’s customers away.
Nothing here would help Apple.
Why should Apple make it easier for other companies to profit from their user base and cannibalize their own online business?
I’m sure that Apple’s competitors would love it if Apple handed them the keys to the store, cialis generic sales but I don’t see a single good argument for Apple doing it.
Plus, decease the claims about Apples 99 cent price being problematic are bogus.
First of all, if people aren’t buying enough songs at 99 cents a piece they sure as hell aren’t going to be buying MORE songs if the music industry gets it’s way and charges more like $3 a piece for popular songs.
And don’t even bring that subscription crap into the conversation.
People have been proving that they DON’T like the subscription model since BEFORE iTunes even existed. The subscription model benefits the sellers NOT the buyers of music. People who buy music understand this and 90% of them aren’t going to suddenly start renting their music just because Napster thinks it’s a good idea.
Will Apple eventually open the iPod to other formats, change their pricing structure, license their DRM, or offer subscriptions?
But if they do, it will be for the benefit of their company and their customers, not for a pack of parasites who want Apple to run its business in a way they would never agree to run theirs.
Add comment December 12th, 2005