Bloggers beware; being e-nnoying is now a crime.
According to cialis buy cialis +go+to+jail/2010-1028_3-6022491.html?part=rss&tag=6022491&subj=news”>CNET “annoying” someone via the Internet is now a federal crime.
When did simply annoying someone become a crime?
Hell, even the Journal Sentinal conceded that there is no constitutional guarantee against being offended.
And if there is no guarantee against being offended how can someone being merely annoyed lead to jail time?
Seriously, if annoying somone is a crime, then I hope
The only saving grace is that this law apparently only applies to anonymous annoyers.
People like me who are publically
But what does this law mean for guys like
What really makes me crazy is that legislators keep passing crap like this when they have to KNOW it will be struck down by the
They are just wasting all of our time and money.
Not to mention annoying the heck out of me.
Hey…I wonder…
1 comment January 9th, 2006