On commercial speech and strip joints.

As I’ve said before, viagra sale cheap the political left LOVES free speech.

Unless it makes a minority feel bad.

Or it takes the form of a political contribution.

Or it’s used to keep companies in business.

Dave Berkman begins his latest rant in the Shepherd Express with a dopey diatribe against commercial speech:

“For starters, cialis canada cialis my television viewing is now virtually ad-free. No more illogical insults to my intellect. No more smarmy mother-and-child warmy-feelyness. And no more soaring, thumb angelic-sounding chorales praising the dedication to improving the human condition of America‚Äôs most corrupt‚Äîand often criminally behaving‚Äîcorporations.”

To Dave, commercials – and the capitalism they support – are an unnecessary evil.

Of course, he never asks himself how those “criminally behaving corporations” would sell their goods and services if no one had ever heard of them or their products.

But that’s OK with Dave. They should be out of business anyway. Evil bastards.

And he never wonders what would happen to his beloved unions if there were no heartless corporations to foot the bill for their bloated benefits.

No worries. I suppose the welfare state will just pick up the tab.

On the other hand, considering that his columns in the Shepherd Express are subsidized by endless ads for strip joints…

…he might pause a moment and consider where all those grimy dollar bills in his own wallet ultimately come from.

FULL DISCLOSURE: From Where I Sit is distantly connected to Third Person, Inc. (A Milwaukee-area advertising agency and web developer.)

2 comments March 11th, 2006


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