A Real Debate at Real Debate Wisconsin
They’re having a real debate at Real Debate Wisconsin over whether or not the Iraqi people are better off today than they were on Saddam.
One of my favorite liberals (and I mean that literally), viagra usa see Scott Felstein, believes they are worse off.
The host Fred would argue they are better off.
My answer:
The Iraqis WERE better off under Saddam, but only if you value security over freedom.
(What I find iteresting is that normally I would expect Scott to be making that point for me.
Of course, it’s easy to make that point when the choice is between a potential terrorist attack and George Bush listening to your phone calls.
It’s tougher to stick to that same point when the choice is between living under a dictator and risking a car bombing in the morning.)
4 comments November 10th, 2006