Quoted for truth
This is what I think…I just wasn’t smart enough to write it:
At some point, best viagra capsule this historic debate must address the real pathological origins of federal debt: Congressmen, find senators, and administration officials of both parties have steered public monies to chosen constituents and causes, without any worry whether the money helps or harms, because by doing so they can build a political base and, in many cases, gain personal profit while in office and real riches when out of office.
Right now, Democrats are arguing that record-level social spending programs are absolutely necessary; that when they fail to achieve promised results, it’s because of too little money; and that anyone who questions these premises is a cruel megaphones for the wealthy who wants to throw the ill out on the street. This is the familiar circular logic of big government: When massive infusions of cash fail to produce results, the reason is insufficient funding — not that it creates complacency and dependency in lieu of self-reliance and personal responsibility.
via Failure Is Very Much an Option – By Victor Davis Hanson – The Corner – National Review Online.
14 comments April 21st, 2011