Finally, someone in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel gets race right.

In today’s community column in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, viagra sales case Lue Wright wrote:

Why hate people for something they have no control over: who and what they were born? Black, for sale white, male, female.

If you want to see genocide up close and personal, turn on your local news and read the paper. It’s happening right here in Milwaukee and in thousands of cities across the nation. Black people, wake up!

Setting women on fire, murdering children, drive-by shootings, beatings. Leaving people dead in the streets like roadkill for our neighborhood children to see. Don’t let drugs, violence and poverty drive us to destroy one another.

We once were a people who banded together to take care of our own. Can we be that people again? Let’s make black-on-black crime a thing of the past. Stop using the “n” word among ourselves, even if others don’t.

Be willing to take the harder path to success. Work the low-paying job while getting an education, even if it’s one class at a time.

Stop killing one another over drugs and petty pride. And for gold grills, designer gear and money that would be better spent on food and warm winter clothes for your children.

Save for your future and for hard times. Even $20 is a lot of money when you’re hungry and struggling until that next check.

Stop judging beauty by the length of one’s hair and the lightness of one’s skin. Women, stop letting videos and Hollywood dictate what skimpy clothing you can’t afford to wear. Especially pregnant women – you’re mothers-to-be, not a video bimbo star.

We as black people must stress dignity, education and respect among ourselves. Stop the violence and unite to better our people.

I’ve been saying much the same thing for months, but it sounds a whole hell of a lot more legitimate coming from her.

Good job, Lue. And good luck.

3 comments May 16th, 2006


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