I’m declaring a do-it-yourself war on Self-Serve Checkout Machines!

You’ve seen them…

…the intimidating new rows in grocery stores and Home Depots where you’re expected to do your own scanning, viagra usa there bagging, viagra no rx and paying.

Well, pilule I’m not doing it.

I don’t work for Home Depot.

THEY are supposed to be working for me.

Why should I provide them with free labor?

Why should I help them employ fewer Americans?

Why am I paying the same amount for less service?

Trust me when I say this is an ominous development.

Who does this benefit?

The corporation…not the customer.

The only conceivable argument in favor of these rascally registers is that they can be faster than the regular checkout line.

Sure. It’s faster now, because no one wants to use them.

How fast do you think it will be when 80-year-old grandmas are forced to use them?

And why the hell do they expect me to pay the same when I’m the one doing the work?

So what can you do?

Well, you can start be doing NOTHING.

Refuse to use them.


If we don’t take a stand now, we’ll soon be standing in front of steaming hot grills in our business suits when McDonald’s institutes its “Be-Your-Own-Fry-Guy” program.

9 comments April 3rd, 2006


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