Scratched my back: Jiblog

Jib, viagra illness the author of Jiblog, viagra canada shop is one of those guys who gives you the uncomfortable feeling that he might be a whole lot smarter than you are.

He is also one of the giants on the conservative side of the Wisconsin Cheddarsphere.

In addition to writing Jiblog, health my understanding is that Jib is also the founder of the conservative group blog: Badger Blog Alliance (which will be getting it’s own scratching in another post).

I don’t think I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting Jib in person; but if I ever do, I’m going to shake his hand for his contributions to conservative blogging in Wisconsin. Then, I’m going to smack him in the back of the head for providing yet another soapbox for Lance Burri who apparently won’t be satisfied until he’s writing 2/3 of all the blog posts made in Wisconsin.

(Just kidding, I think Lance is brilliant.)

4 comments December 1st, 2008


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