In which I suggest a definition for when a President has a “mandate”

generic cialis medical 21985, viagra usa sale 24610103-5005961,00.html”>52% of the vote is not a mandate, it’s a slim majority.

I propose that no one (Democrat or Republican) gets to use the word “mandate” when they win an election unless they receive 2/3 of the votes.*

The United States Constitution required 2/3 of the votes in Congress to override a veto, approve an Amendment, or impeach a sitting President.

I think a politician (and his supporters) should have to reach the same bar before claiming carte blanche.

*I actually think I’m being pretty lenient by asking for 2/3 of the votes cast instead of 2/3 of the potential votes in the electorate. But, hey, I’m feeling generous. ;)

9 comments November 7th, 2008


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