I think this guy needs to re-examine his priorities

Alaska’s black leaders say they’re not surprised to see Gov. Sarah Palin at the center of the controversy over injecting the race issue into the presidential campaign.

Palin, cialis sales treat Republican John McCain’s running mate, cure has repeatedly insisted that Barack Obama’s former preacher, the inflammatory Rev. Jeremiah Wright, is a legitimate issue even though McCain himself has said it’s out of bounds.

“She has no sensitivity to minorities,” said the Rev. Alonzo Patterson, a Baptist minister and president of the Alaska Black Leadership Conference. “She’s really inciting a lot of African-Americans to get out and vote.”

Yes, I’m sure Sarah Palin is the reason a lot of African-American’s are going to get out and vote.

Not the fact that the first African-American in history has a chance to be President.

1 comment October 18th, 2008


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