Turns out most of us ain’t as s.m.r.t. as we think we are

From a very interesting (and depressing) opinion piece in the Washington Post:

Democrats like to think that voters who sympathize with their views are smarter than those who vote Republican. But a 2007 Pew survey found that the knowledge level of viewers of the right-wing, best cialis viagra blustery “The O’Reilly Factor” and the left-wing, sovaldi snarky “The Daily Show” is comparable, with about 54 percent of the shows’ politicized viewers scoring in the “high knowledge” category.

So what about conservative talk-radio titan Rush Limbaugh’s audience? Surely the ditto-heads are dumb, right? Actually, according to a survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, Rush’s listeners are better educated and “more knowledgeable about politics and social issues” than the average voter.

Add comment September 10th, 2008


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