I’ll keep my science out of your religion, if you’ll keep your religion out of my science.
cialis buy drugstore 0, here 5561316.story”>Genetic testing has proven the
For Mormons, sovaldi sale the lack of discernible Hebrew blood in Native Americans is no minor collision between faith and science. It burrows into the historical foundations of the Book of Mormon, a 175-year-old transcription that the church regards as literal and without error.
Of course, believers aren’t leaving the church in droves.
This may look like the crushing blow to Mormonism from the outside,” said Jan Shipps, a professor emeritus of religious studies at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, who has studied the church for 40 years. “But religion ultimately does not rest on scientific evidence, but on mystical experiences.”
And that’s really my point. Reason and faith are two completely different animals.
I don’t expect my scientific evidence to effect your faith.
But I want you to keep your faith out of my science.
If you want to reject
But then don’t rename your faith
H/T to Professor Althouse
7 comments February 17th, 2006