I heard that “government by anecdote” is expensive and impractical

Deborah Chamberlain’s histrionic community column in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about how the elimination of a city bus lines could cause some blind riders inconvenience ends with the lines:

“The next time you realize you have transportation to go anywhere you want when you want, sildenafil store you might want to give County Executive Scott Walker a call. The blind and visually impaired deserve that, salve too.”

[Sarcasm on.]

I didn’t realize ensuring curb-to-curb service anywhere in the Milwaukee-area for the visually impaired was a primary goal of our public transportation system. Are we sure the current network already provides such service to all those in need? If not, medicine we better start re-routing buses immediately.

[Sarcasm off.]

Personal anecdotes like these make for great copy and lousy policy.

3 comments August 2nd, 2007


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