Judge Annette Ziegler won the race for Wisconsin Supreme Court and negative campaigning lost
Although you wouldn’t know it from this story by the
The article makes it seem like Ziegler’s victory was partly attributable to her negative campaigning, viagra generic sildenafil but the truth is Linda Clifford went almost exclusively negative from the very beginning. Linda Clifford hired professional character assasins from outside the state to dig up dirt on
The best part of Ziergler winning is that the Democratic party in Wisconsin wasn’t able to eek out another victory by throwing as much mud as they could dig up.
Maybe next year they’ll try to run on the issues instead of issuing aspersion and insinuations…but I think there’s probably as much chance of that as there is of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel endorsing a Republican for President, Senate, Governor, Mayor, or dog catcher.
3 comments April 3rd, 2007